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I could feel the sweat collecting in the palm of my hand and I felt a little shaky, unsure of my next move. His shirt was clinging to his chest, defining all the right things in all the right places. I gulped. Whatever our friendship was before, I think I was about to change it. This was definitely one of 'those' moments and if I handled it wrong, whatever was starting to happen between us could be lost. Sure, life would be easier if we stayed friends and I passed off this moment as nothing, but would I regret it forever? Sensing my nerves, Tim put his arm out and rested his hand on my shoulder - his intense eyes searching me, asking something.

Was this another one of our games? I felt his eyes daring something. His hand started to work its way down my arm gently, until it got to the end. He laced his fingers into mine and that's where I could feel it - he was just as nervous. He was shaking almost as much as me and his breath had quickened. Did he like me just as much as I liked him? Had his feelings started to change towards me?

'You're beautiful.' He stated it so matter-of-factly and it took a moment to register that he'd actually said it. I was under the impression he didn't fancy me, he said just as much himself, so this was an exciting development. I felt like a fool just gazing back, unable to move or speak or anything.

If I didn't do something soon, things might become awkward. Dammit, why have I frozen myself in time? Fearing I was wasting this opportunity, I did the only thing I could think to do - what I wanted to do deep down inside. What I had wanted to do for some time, if I really thought about it.

The moment our lips crashed together, we became men possessed. Thoughts weren't forming in my head and I couldn't focus on a single thing I was doing. Were my lips even moving properly? Something must have been going right because Tim let out a moan, and my God, that was just the most sexual thing I have ever heard.

I felt Tim lift me and my legs instinctively wrapped around his waist - like we belonged that way. He moaned again, husky and deep. Clearly that sound was like a drug to me because this was something else - and I barely had any control over what my body was doing now. Clasping onto his body for dear life, my tongue began to invade his mouth fiercely and dominantly - hungry for more. His, equally up for the fight.

Suddenly I was being slammed down onto the kitchen counter, our bodies grinding and writhing together. Tim removed himself from my face, only to nuzzle into my neck and give it the attention my body hadn't realised it had been craving. This was sexy as hell and I couldn't stop it from happening - not that I wanted it too either. My eyes were closed, focusing on how good his tongue felt against the warm of my neck.

His hand, now free from having lifted me up, started grazing up my back. Feeling for something he couldn't seem to find, feeling as if to memorise every inch. His other hand lazily finding its way into my hair, studying every curl.

Before I knew it, I was already unbuttoning my shirt, eager to feel his mouth on more of my flesh. What was happening to me to want someone this much? I'd never felt this wild around someone before, as far as I can remember, and it was a nice surprise. Clearly this was the right thing to do as it felt so natural and good.

Knowing exactly what I was aiming at by removing my shirt, Tim made his way down my chest - placing little kisses everywhere. My hands roamed through his hair as his hands started to wander over my thighs. As hot as this was, I was practically bending my back into the small crook under the cupboards and I needed to move.

Using my initiative, I pushed Tim away from me and leaped off the counter, pushing him once more, hard against the wall. This time, I was the one to force myself against him - taking a moment to stare at him. I was eating him up with my eyes and he responded similarly - waiting to see what I would do next.

The heat between us was still very much there, our hearts pounding against our chests, but I wanted to savour the next kiss. So I planted my lips softly against his and very gently moved his mouth open with mine. Just when I thought things couldn't get more intense, they did. This simple kiss felt just as passionate and tempting as the the first - and this realisation nearly floored me. I felt weak at the knees and they nearly buckled underneath me.

Tim's crotched pressed firmly against mine and I could feel his heat radiating to a whole new level. Hands firmly on my arse, kneading away.

My mouth was forming a smile against Tim, happy in the knowledge that what was happening between us was good. The fact he was a man actually seemed to be turning me on more at this current moment in time. It was admittedly rather exciting.

Placing a hand on his cheek, I opened my eyes to take in his handsome face. My touch must have brought him out from his own personal daze as he also opened his eyes and stared straight back at me. Fear seemed to be laced in his eyes and I knew that this beautiful moment was gone.

Stepping back, I gave him some space. Was he not feeling the same things I was? Or was he, but that's what was scaring him? I was clueless.

'I-I... I'm sorry Jay, I shouldn't be doing this.' Well at least he wasn't telling me it was a mistake.

'Why not?' I needed to know.

''Because it is a mistake.' Oh. There goes that. 'I'm taking advantage of you and I should really know better.' Wait, what?

Did he just say he was taking advantage of me? From where I was standing, clearly I was the one taking advantage. I started the first kiss, I took off my shirt, I pushed him into the wall. I kissed him again. Me. Not him... 'No, you really weren-'

'Jay, I really was. You may not realise it but I am in the wrong and this shouldn't have happened. I shouldn't have come over - please forgive me.' And with that, he made his way to the front door without even a glance back.

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