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Not surprisingly, we spent most of the day attempting to move and failing badly. It was a complete waste of a day if I am honest, but it's not like we had to be anywhere. If we sucked it up, I guessed we might just about make it up and out the house by 3pm. That would give us enough time to visit the café and make introductions.

The only tricky part was making that first move. Tim and I had barely grunted more than a few words all morning/afternoon - there was definitely an atmosphere between us - and now was the time to forget all that and motivate each other.

'Tim, we need to move man. I'm about to merge as one with the bed.' I spoke first as it was nearly 2pm and we wouldn't have time to visit the café tomorrow (we were setting off in the morning).

'If you're making me move then I have dibs on the bathroom.' Tim sprang up surprisingly fast after saying that and proceeded to walk to the bathroom in just his boxers. I hadn't meant to check him out when he walked up the stairs but I did anyway. I guess there was no harm in looking if it meant I could get over my weird and new feelings.

I got myself dressed and made us both some strong coffee - we needed it. I thought we could eat at the café because I really didn't have it in me to cook right now and I'm sure Tim would be feeling the same.

'How long have you been reading minds?' Eh? I turned round and gave my best confused face - he needed further explanation. 'Because of the coffee.' He points to the drinks for extra emphasis.

'Oh, right. I also thought we should eat at the café and kill 2 birds.' At that moment he gave me the biggest grin and ruffled my hair as he walked by. I then struggled to form any words into my head as I noticed he was still not dressed. My eyes quickly darted across his chiselled chest, down onto his... er... then his powerful, muscular thighs. I quickly pulled focus back to my drink before he noticed me looking. 'And maybe you can put some clothes on.' I dared to give him a wink as I joked - he was still mostly naked and I needed him to get dressed before I visibly drooled into my coffee and made him suspicious.

He winked back - obviously in on the joke - but this made my stomach flutter and I froze, locking eyes once more. I was in serious trouble whenever I was around Tim. All it took was that look off him and I melted. I shook my head to wake me from my daze, but he looked completely unphased by it. I was reading into all this too much.

'Right, I'll grab my clothes and we can go.' He effortlessly downed the rest of his now lukewarm coffee and walked away, oblivious to how he was making me feel. By the time my coffee was gone, he had made his way back to the kitchen, fully clothed this time. Thank god.

'Ready then?' I queried and he nods in response.


'Jason! We have missed you.' Linda envelopes me into a massive hug. Pulling away, she realises I have company. 'Oh, this must be Tim, nice to meet you.' She warmly hands out her hand to shake and he accepts.

'Lovely to meet such a beautiful woman.' He is layering on the charm thick, trying to make a good impression I assume.

'Lin, can you please please please make us a full English breakfast? I know its afternoon and you stop making it at 12 but we are soooo hungover.' I give her the best puppy-dog eyes I can muster. 'Pweeeease?' She looks far from impressed.

'What he means is if you can make us a full English, then we will be eternally grateful.' God, even Tim is giving her the puppy-dog face and he looks adorable. I feel my heart swell a little. Shit.

'For you honey, anything.' I go to thank her but she isn't looking at me, she is mooning over Tim!

'Charming Lin, you forget me already?' She bats me on the arm with her tea-towel and heads into the kitchen. 'Jesus, I think she fancies you. Just don't tell her you're into men or she'll yank your privileges.' I laugh at Tim and he joins in.

'Somehow, I think she is fully aware of that fact already. She just likes me more.' He beams at me and I swat at his shoulder for being so cheeky.

'I invite you to my hometown and all you give me is cheek. Charming!' I smile at him so he knows I'm not too offended. 'I'm just sorry we were too hungover to actually go explore. Maybe we can take a walk around after this?'

'I'd like that. But I think you're mom is making us a big dinner to make up for ditching us yesterday. We won't have much time to explore.' Oh, that's that then. 'But,' there's always a but, 'we could take a long walk back.'

'Ok but if I need carrying part of the way, you are going to do it.'

'Deal!' We shook on it as our food arrived. Tim's looked delicious - mine looked like the scraps.

'I'm beginning to think you don't love me anymore Linda.' I was half joking, but half serious. 'It's all Tim Tim Tim now it seems.'

'Well when you get this handsome and charming, tell me and you'll get the royal treatment.' She stuck her tongue out for added affect. 'Seriously though, I didn't have much left to cook and there was a few leftovers from earlier so I made do - you know how it is, which is why you get the leftovers.' She gave me a reassuring smile. It did actually make sense.

'Fine. I'll let you get away with it, but just this once mind! Don't forget I helped make this place possible.'

'Oooo get you! Mr big shot helped fund the place and suddenly he expects to be treated like royalty...' She playfully tapped me round the ear-hole and walked away chuckling. I could see Tim had been holding back the laughter as well.

'Don't you dare laugh, and give me that sausage. Mine look like they have seen better days.' I dig my fork onto his plate and help myself. He is still laughing and staring at me, letting me get away with food theft.


'No way! You never told me that before.' Tim was astounded. I had finally found something he didn't already know about me. Well, didn't know until now. 'You are seriously double jointed? How have I not witnessed this by now?' He looks around in disbelief, thinking, until he eventually stops dead and blushes. It was only for a millisecond but I caught it.

'I'm not that double jointed. I can just bend my arms weirdly, my legs are another matter. Wanna see my party trick?' He nods enthusiastically.

I stop walking and place my arms behind me, holding my own hands. Tucking in an elbow, rolling around the other arm and eventually lifting them over my head, they eventually arrive in front of me still clasped together.

'Whoa! That's crazy, and sick. I am ever so slightly disturbed by you now. I don't know whether I want to see it again and again or never ever ever see it.' He looks at me like I am diseased and we continue walking.

I can see him working out how it works in his head, as he tries to do it himself as we walk. I interrupt his thoughts - 'Unless your shoulder can pop in and out of its socket, then you won't be able to replicate it. Sorry to break it to you.'

'Damn. Was worth a try though. I wish people could get freaked out at me like that.'

'They already do, just look at you're face.' I stuck my tongue out and Tim did not look pleased.

'Oi!' He grabbed my shoulders and shook them in annoyance, but it somehow turned into a tackle. I managed to escape his grip and he chased me onto the grass. Just as I started to lose my breath, he took one last swipe at me and caught my t-shirt with his fingers - pulling me into him. With one quick kick under his legs, he went tumbling to the ground, bringing me with him.

We landed side by side, laughing at the childish nature of the moment whilst we caught our breath.

'You know I like you, right?' It came out so suddenly I almost choked on my own spit. Tim was telling me he liked me and I had no idea what to say. I just kept silent, expecting that he hadn't really wanted an answer, he just wanted to tell me.

As if nothing had happened, he sprung up and pulled me to my feet, acting as if he hadn't said anything. 'Best get back before your mum wonders where we are. Can't upset the host now can I?' He smiled and carried on walking.

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