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I'd been at my moms for over a week now and decided I was time to face the music. I could no longer avoid Tim, expect him to keep my job open just in case, and then have him take me back if that's what I decided to do.

I had no idea what I would say to him, and I knew he would want proper answers and decisions by now, but I had to say something. Even if it left us just as uncertain, the important thing was that I was making the effort.

I decided on a text - I couldn't quite work up the courage to phone him.

I think we should talk about things face to face. I'm not sure what to do yet, but I owe you a conversation at least x

I hoped that it didn't come across as too promising or too impersonal and hit send. Expecting a reply back straight away, I was surprised when I got nothing. All day. Not even on the nighttime when I knew he'd have got home and had a chance to read it. Not even when I finally fell asleep well past midnight.

He didn't want to speak to me, it seemed. I felt rather disappointed, and I would be lying if I said my heart didn't ping a bit at the thought of him not wanting me anymore.

The next day, still without a reply, was when I made the decision to pack up and go back back to London. It seemed like I had a new job to look for, and there were things left at the house to sort. As much as I loved Wolverhampton and my old friends and family, London felt like it was where I was meant to be for some reason.


It was 8 pm, and I was starving when I finally got in. There had been a delay pulling in at the train station, and getting a taxi was a nightmare. Now I was hungry and hadn't been able to grab any food from the shop as it was so late.

My phone buzzed. It was a reply from Tim only 34 hours late...

I've got lots coming up, you know, working all hours and weekends after tonight. Let me know when you are back, and I'll try and schedule you in x

Oh. It looked like I was getting the brush off. He was over me now, and it was too late. Stupid me. Obviously, he was going to move on and not wait around forever. My heart pinged again.

Oh, well, I just got back and am starving. Have you eaten yet? Could always grab a bite now if it's your last free night in a while. x

At least I've extended the olive branch. I felt like waiting around weeks for a chance to speak to him wouldn't do me any good, and if I was to sort my mind out, I needed to do it now. He may be over me, but I still needed a chance to speak to him.

The Bistro right now, then?

Not even an 'x' this time. It felt like he wanted it over and done with.


No point me adding x's if he wasn't going to.


I was nervous walking into the restaurant, and he wasn't even there yet despite him living closer. I ordered a double whisky at the bar - it felt necessary.

I ordered a single after waiting half an hour. Where was he?

I decided not to have another after an hour.

I gave up and went home after 2 hours. He had stood me up.

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