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I didn't see Tim much at work for the rest of the week. A new project was ready and waiting for me, whilst Tim had to finalise the last one and attend a ton of meetings over it. This suited me as it gave me a chance to prepare for my visit home.

For some reason, I was strangely nervous about going home again but I couldn't figure out why. Everything was sorted and explained in my last visit so I had nothing to worry about. Except this time Tim was coming with me. Could that be it - I was nervous about him? Nah.

But this thought did get me wondering why he always seemed to be in my life and popping up into my head whether I wanted him to or not. Considering I barely even remember my girlfriend most of the time, something is definitely up. Then again - I don't really like her as a person and I seem to spend most of my time with my boss instead of her. It did all make some sense but clearly I was still a little confused from the accident.

Speaking of which, I was finally getting to grips with my new life and could see myself living it comfortably from now on. Except for Tiffany. Once that hurdle was dealt with, I can't say I could complain. My life was way better now than when I was 19 and had no direction or passion or anything. Now I had a job I really enjoyed, friends and family I really got along with and I had money (which was merely just a bonus).

Even as I got back that evening and began to pack for the trip, nerves ate at me. It was almost like a sixth sense was telling me something was going to happen or change on this trip. Was I going to find out the café was failing, or my mom was ill? Was I going to feel homesick and not want to go back to London? I had no idea what my subconscious was trying to say but I pushed it aside and focused on the task at hand - the packing.

We were going straight from work tomorrow afternoon so I had to pack now and take it with me in the morning. Tim decided we should have an early finish and miss all the heavy rush-hour traffic as it was a couple of hours journey in a car. I did not want to take longer than necessary in a car with him alone - as great as the couple of nights we hung out were, they always seemed to end awkwardly. I did not want an awkward moment in the car and then have to be stuck in traffic afterwards.

To be honest, I didn't really need or want to pack too much - I preferred my old clothes that my mom had kept and I planned on wearing them whilst I had the chance. If Tim didn't like that, then he could suck it because he was just a tag-along.

All I ended up packing in the end was clean underwear, my toiletries and a few snacks for the journey.


I took a taxi to work this morning because I didn't want to take my packed bag onto the underground - I was always having people pushed up against me with bags digging into my back or sides and I didn't want to be one of 'those' people. It was bad enough to find room for yourself on one of those things, let alone room for carry-ons.

'You're late.' It was made as a passing statement so I didn't have chance to respond to my boss. He sounded annoyed and I could see I was in for a difficult day ahead. Looking at my watch, I noticed I was only 10 minutes late - surely not enough to be moaned at? Cars get stuck in traffic of a morning and my taxi was no exception today.

I shrugged the comment off and went to my desk, ready to block out the world and design my latest proposal. Well, that was the plan until Tim followed me.

'Was afraid you'd decided to just go without me on the train. But now I can see you just like to turn up late to work instead.' It was said neither harshly or jokily and I had no idea what he wanted me to say to this. 'I was thinking of heading out at 2 so we miss the lunchtime traffic - just be ready for then.'

He left without even letting me respond, not that my face looked particularly inviting for conversation. Being late and having him sound annoyed over it had me all riled up and he'd just made it worse. What was his problem today? He it was almost like he didn't want to take me anymore.

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