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Val had just finished another shift at 7/11.

It's 11:37 pm and she was going home from a long day at work.

She saw her mums car parked out front ready to collect her. She stepped inside her mums car sighing.

The past few weeks this Sam character hadn't shown up. She was disappointed and missed the way he walked in owning the place.

Her mother had asked time and time before if she was okay, but she just shrugged it off.

She was just being the average teenage girl.

Moping over boys who didn't care much about them. That's what they all did right?

But the funny thing was, she had just missed Sam.

He was just walking into 7/11 hoping to see Val, but to be disappointed by not seeing her behind the counter.

He still bought the usual and left, sitting behind 7/11; just letting his thoughts consume him.

He had been avoiding this 7/11 for a while, just so he could think about Val.

He was confused on how he felt about the girl, he was 25 and she at least still had to be in high school.

Distancing himself felt like the right thing to do so he didn't do something illegal.

Slurpie • Sam BettleyWhere stories live. Discover now