Digital Pet Rebellion

Start from the beginning

"Wait a moment ! To bad...The championship is going to my Joe," Jounouchi said as he showed them his Digi Pet. Joe looked like a seedless strawberry that had sprouted legs and had a ? mark above his head. "That's not cute," Miho stated.

Looking at the sweat marked pet she commented,"It looks like a seedless strawberry with a ? mark over it's head." Anzu noted,"The only resemblance is that they are both cheeky."

"Shut up ! Oh Yugi, Alice, Mind if we do a Data Exchange ? That way we can make all three of ours grow," Jounouchi asked. "Well Namid is really fast but it would be better if she did grow faster," She replied unsure as Namid started to leaping.

"Yu-2 is kind of timid so it would be nice to have Joe's wild characteristics and Namid's speed and grace," Yugi agreed. To be honest she was worried what Joe would do or effect Namid in a negative way. After all what if her pet turned out like Joe, She thought as the two connected their Digital Pet devices together.

They watched as the two first interacted. Joe was kicking poor Yu-2 ! After that Yu-2 patted the sour looking pet before leaving. "How could you !" She shouted. Seems the two shared their lousy personality. "It isn't my fault !" Joe's owner defended.

"Your turn Alice, " Jounouchi said. Linking up Namid proved to be to fast and nimble for Joe to attack. After a few times of Namid prancing and bouncing Joe got tired and left. Grinning she then linked up with Yugi.

Namid entered looking around for Yu-2. This was their first Link Up so she had wondered what would happen. From behind Yu-2 grabbed Namid and pinned her down. As they all continued to watch Yu-2 began to kiss Namid. Red faced, ever last one of them watched.

"Shouldn't they censor stuff like that ?" Yugi asked as she started to fan her face. A loud beeping noise came from her device. Namid grew into what looked like a Loppuny. The change must have surprised Yu-2 because Namid quickly escaped. One the devices were no longer linked did she say,"Never Again ! Never !"

"After that there should be a change in his growth," Yugi said red faced. "Poor Namid, to be raped," She sobbed. Not paying attention to them Jounouchi cheered having the thought the trip would be his. "He's taking it ?" A new voice asked. Looking up she could have sworn she saw a beached whale.

"Kujirada !" Yugi gasped. The guy was fat and ugly. Just looking at him repulsed her to the point she could taste bile. "The contest winner is definitely going to be me !" The ugly monstrosity boasted as he brought out his gold pet.

I'll just do some skipping for the boasting part.

Devil Master was also a ugly fat monstrosity. On it's bulging belly was a star and the mouth was a evil looking grin. "He looks like he has a lousy personality, " she remarked before the human beached whale grabbed Sumomo's device and Linked up with Devil Master. They all watched as the fat pet ate the little plum pet.

"My Sumomo...." Anzu said in shock. Next up was Joe vs. Devil Master. They watched as Joe disappeared and Devil Master looked around only to be kicked from behind by Joe. "Alright !" Joe's owner cheered only to watch as his Pet get eaten. "Joe !"

"How cruel !" Yugi scolded. "Yeah ! How can you use the pets others raise to go to Australia ?" Sweat dropping at that comment. Anzu quickly voiced her thoughts,"Isin't that what you were doing ?"

Before the fat greasy skinned monstrosity could feed his pet with one of theirs, "Stop !" Behind them they saw Honda walking causally. When he got close and opened his eyes did she flinch. He looks creepy ! Like a mummified zombie ! She was sure that's what everyone thought.

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