The Call (IMF I)

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Stark Tower, New York, Feb 2014
To say Clint was surprised when his phone rang would be an understatement. "Yeah?" He answered the call. "Huh, yes. Yes of course. - Give me... a day. That should suffice for me to get there. - Sure. - Yeah, you too." It was a short call but still it had been enough to gain Tony's interest. "Who was that?" Clint was about to say "That's classified" when Natasha reminded him silently that Tony would only hack SHIELD or something. With a sigh Clint sat down on the couch next to the red haired and then started: "Agent Ethan Hunt, IMF. I was... lent out - that term is as good as any - to IMF for some missions that were interesting for SHIELD. They don't know my real identity. At least they didn't when we worked together 2009 to '10. I haven't heard of the team since then. And before you ask, no I won't tell you what the call was about."

IMF Headquarter, Washington DC, Feb 2014
"Oh, cut the act! I know it, alright? Is that what you wanted to hear? I know what's going on! But that doesn't mean I have a clue what it means or an instant solution, okay! I'll call him." Ethan Hunt was pissed. Majorly so, to be exact. Because he had just found out that Agent William Brandt, that he had worked with four years ago did not exist in the IMF database. Now he had to find out who the fucking hell Brandt really was. The agent pulled out his phone and dialed the old number. "Yeah?" Brandt - or what ever his name really was - answered the call. "Brandt, it's me. We have to meet. - How fast can you get to DC? - Good, then meet me at the Smithsonian at 3 pm local time tomorrow. - And Will? Take care." Well,then Hunt now had 23 hours to get ready.

When All is Said and DoneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon