"I love you too," he says, "that's why I can't tell you. Please, I just can't tell you."

I sit silently for a while, pondering, before sighing, "I trust you, Harry. So if this is something really bad, I know you would tell me. So if you don't want to tell me, or feel that you should, then don't. But... if it's something really bad..." I pause. "I've never seen you cry before."

He sighs, "I know."

"Is it something really bad?"

He doesn't reply for a while, but then he repeats the sentence, "I can't lose you. You mean too much to me. I love you a l-lot, Megan. I can't let you go."

"I promise I won't leave you if you tell me," I say.

He sighs again, his breathing uneven from crying, "I'm sorry. I just don't know if you'll be able to keep that promise once I tell you."

"Harry, it probably isn't as bad as you're making it out to be," I say, "you're worrying me now. Making me think, like, you're cheating on me or something."

He doesn't reply.


"I'm sorry. I love you," he says quietly.

"You're not cheating on me..." I say, feeling my heartbeat increase in speed, "are you?"

He doesn't say anything for a while, which makes me really start to freak out, before he says, "No."

"Thank god!" I breathe out, holding a hand to my heart, "You nearly gave me a heart attack, oh my god."

He avoids eye contact with me, just mumbling an, "mm."


We spend Christmas in my house, with my family. Delilah receives new toys, so her and Harry play them together.

"Hey! You cheated!" Harry exclaims playfully when Delilah wins.

"Nu-uh!" Delilah says, "you're just a sore loser."

"No I'm not!"

I laugh at the two and take out my phone, deciding to text Niall.

To: Niall :D

hi niall! happy christmas. don't get too drunk, ok?? haha. :)x

I soon receive a reply.


From: Niall :D

thanks! you too ! well , i can't make any promises, aha! ;)

Just as I've finished reading the text, I receive another.

From: Niall :D

that wasn't supposed to be a winky face aha ! oops!

I laugh, typing a reply before Harry looks over at me.

"What're you laughing at?" He asks.

"A text."

"Oh." He nods, before going back to the game.

To: Niall :D

well when you wake up with a really bad hangover don't come crying to me! aha! and yeah, im suuuure that wasn't supposed to be a winky. yeah, i soooo believe that. no, just kidding, i actually do believe you. merry christmas! (again? aha)

I put my phone away, and look at Harry to find him staring at me with his eyebrows raised, as Delilah walks out of the room to get something.

"Must be a pretty funny joke. Seeing as your smiling your head off," he says.

"Oh. I didn't realise I was," I mumble.

"Lemme guess, you were texting Niall?" He asks knowingly.

"Yeah.. why?" I furrow my eyebrows together.


"Okay?" I say, "I thought I told you -"

"I'm baaack!" Delilah sing-songs, skipping into the room.

Harry continues looking at me with his eyebrows furrowed for a moment before something seems to hit him, and his expression changes completely, to what I would describe as guilty.

I narrow my eyes, tilting my head to the side for a moment before shaking off the thought.

The next few days go quickly and on New Years Eve, him and I go to a place in London that a huge amount of people gather at, and we all count down the seconds to 2014.

"Three, two, one, HAPPY NEW YEAR!"

And at that, Harry presses his lips to mine, and kisses me.


A/N: they're kissing ew get a room guys

do u ship pigarry

omfg sofie are you reading this because you're perf and ily (i ship #lifie ha) oh and hallo michelle the noises r still haunting me o and marissa i like ur hair ok

random shout out to ppl lmao

ily thanks for reading and if you ship nigan or megarry tell me aha. ok i love you, thanks so much for everything and for continuing to read up to this point, it means alot, ok?

Lisa :)

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