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Everything seems so routine, it all follows the same outline, at least.

On the weekdays it's just get up, be pretty much forced to have breakfast (With threats of being taken home from school if I don't of course! ugh) depending on who I'm staying with though, shower, go to school, talk to people, laugh a lot, go to who-knows-what meetings, go home, do homework, go hiking a couple of times a week, sometimes go down to the courts and shoot some hoops, or do some exercise, go on the computer and do nothing but play solitaire and not reply to people, and sleep.

On the weekends it's sleep in as long as possible, then sit in bed and watch YouTube, or be yelled out of bed/woken up at like, 8am, depending on where I'm staying, shower, do homework, hang out with people sometimes, get sent out of the house sometimes [Depending on where I'm staying], go on my phone or the computer, listen to music, maybe watch a movie, and bed.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I love life, I love people, I love laughing, I love being busy, that sort of thing. I do enjoy my life, it's just.. it's more or less the same thing over and over and over again, and I need something different, something more than homework, or exams, and staying at home, and hanging out with the same people and all that sort of thing. I need something like travel, or... travel. Volunteering overseas, going on exchanges, hiking through different countries, meeting new people - that would be fantastic.

But on top of my routine, boring, unfulfilling life, I'm starting to get a wee tad scared at home, you know? The yelling isn't generally directed at me, but still - I hate it. And when I ask for something, like an opinion, it becomes a lecture, rather than a useful discussion, and my views won't even be listened to, because unless it's in agreement, my opinions are wrong, again depending on where I'm staying. As result of this, I guess, is that I don't very much like to share my views, because what if I'm wrong? Like, I usually am. What if people dislike my views and get annoyed at me?? Damn. And despite my whole carefree, I-don't-care-what-people-think attitude, I care a hell of a lot, and it kinda sucks a lot, too.

Oh yea and so also I've been hearing quite a bit about when I was younger that I don't remember at all??? It's not good stuff either - I'm pretty sure I've blocked it out, which is ironic, since I'm so obsessed with not forgetting anything - even if I don't show it too much. Like, apparently I had panic attacks when I was little?? I was told this a few weeks ago, when I had one, because OH YEA I've started getting them which is great, uber helpful!!! Oh well.

And then I think the guy I'm pretty much in love with has a girlfriend??? So yeah, found that out a few days ago, and my stomach dropped HAHAHA of course, it's great and I'm SO happy!!! Nah lol it sucks heaps because, like, I was trying to write heaps in school earlier, and I thought about that and got this uncomfortable feeling and DAMN my concentration was gone, and that was really not helpful because I kinda needed what I was writing to be, well, written down so...

And I've got a screwed up jaw and hand, so cool as!!! Basically as much as I love life, it's boring and I'm sort of being a bit down lately, because, well, family and study and my crush and ugh I'm done with the mundane to be honest.

My life is pretty much made up of homework, school, hiking, and maybe a little bit hanging out with the same people over and over. More would be good? Adventure maybe? Camping? Travel? Road trip? Anything but this? Could be mint.

Oops kinda forget to say but I'm Aliyah Logan, nice to meet you because you're a new person that I don't talk to so thank you for being new in my life.

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