Opening Authors Note

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So first off, I'd like to let you know that this book is under heavy editing for typos and major adding of content and rewriting. A lot of chapters are short and run together. If you are responding to a critic request, then I have only edited chapters 1-9. 10-21 are still under editing. If you have already read the book, re-read it sometime after two months. If you have never read this before, go right ahead. Just a heads up. 👍🏻👌🏻
And another thing, I read all my comments and if I see one spoiler for the other books you get blocked. Kk. Sorry if that sounded harsh but I hate spoilers. *says 'Spoilers' in River Song voice*
Well, the time has come to read on!
This book is the first in my The Cyber Age series.

Ps: This novel is Copyright 2016. If any individual plagiarizes this work, they will be held lawfully responsible.

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