Awesome Trio

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• They were banned from sitting near each other during a World Meeting one time. You do not want to know the story.

• There's always one who has to drive the other two home when they're drunk. It's always America (Sometimes, Prussia and Denmark will purposely refuse to ride in the car because they know that Alfred has the power to singlehandedly hold them in his arms to carry them home).

• They have this thing that they do whenever they're together, which is basically do they're favorite hobbies, but they're drunk and the whole thing's recorded. They used to sometimes throw someone spicy into the mix to stir it up, like England, but it was prohibited when he set the place on fire with flour and a wooden spoon.

• They always sing so obnoxiously together, but sometimes they're able to make it work.

• They're known for being annoying together, for sure, but if left to their devices for too long they get too monotonous because they have their times where they just randomly stop being happy for a certain period of time. It's another reason why they're not allowed to be together for too long.

• Gil and Denmark have the tendency to baby Alfred, and sometimes they'd purposely do it in public just for giggles. (They once did it in front of England though, and the result wasn't the best).


A/N: I immensely apologize for being absent in attending these requests; I didn't have enough time! Again, too much work.

For now, submissions and requests are closed. They're great, but they've been multiplying for a while, so for now, it stops until I can be able to catch up. This is also including the Headcanon Challenge thing that I've been doting on you guys for a while now.

Thanks for the support! You guys are the best!

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