America and Russia (RusAme)

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• Russia always loved visiting the fields in America; especially during the summer.

• America always was suspicious of Russia and Lithuania's relationship with each other, but Lithuania was always quick to patch up any misunderstanding.

• Russia loves listening to America rant all day about certain things that laid on a positive side, because it aided in fixing all of Ivan's ruined beliefs of a happy life.

• They both share a mutual dissatisfaction with the fact that Canada can walk out in a blizzard in just his boxers.

• They both tend to be quite innocent-minded and naive, so leaving them unsupervised and by themselves is never a good idea. Almost all the time they have England or Lithuania babysitting them, making sure they don't ruin anything.

• Arthur once told of Alfred's first drawing of anything to be a sunflower. Arthur then said later after that Alfred apparently gave it to Ivan at some point of his childhood. America couldn't look at Ivan for a month.

• There was one time where America drew Russia naked. For some odd reason he still had his scarf on during the entire session.

• Ivan always loved making Alfred flustered.

• Ivan would sometimes carry Alfred on his shoulders. America once admitted of always wanting Russia to carry him on his shoulders ever since he was a kid, because as we all know, Alfred loves the sky.

• They both love listening to Jazz together.

• They often get into food fights with each other. (Reference to their mochis)

• They both have the tendency to fall asleep really, really quickly, but only when they're together. When they're not, Ivan often has insomnia. Same with Alfred, but only slightly, as he is very, very prone to nightmares. (Which is probably why America pees his bed as a child).

• Latvia always enjoyed watching Russia and America together. It reminds him of all those romance novels of someone broken finally finding love and acceptance.


A/N: I'll be adding in the future.

Also, don't be afraid to request something that you think might be complicated for me. I love doing this and coming up with headcanons from the top of my head. Feel free to challenge me!

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