C h a p t e r 2 : Leaving everything

Start from the beginning

When she felt it, she accepted it and became her worse nightmare.


'The lamp blinks twice in five seconds, which means that 24 times a minute, which means that 1440 times per hour.' She thought aloud and continues to count over and over again.

Suddenly a loud sound echoed through the thin walls, a sound of heavy metal being broken.

Voices and more voices flew in the air, some screams and others yelling.

A strange smell filled the room. How come?

If only she could run, but her legs hurt. She tried to stand up, but she fell to the ground on the first step she took.

It was useless.

She curled into a ball; her knees touching her chest when her head buried between them.

She put her hands on her ears, trying to avoid the noise.

All of the sudden, she heard the sound of bells, of those tiny bells, which Juuzou would always play with.

When she raised her head, the next thing she saw was a human being.

Waves of delicious smell attack her.

He was about to take her hand, but she stopped him screaming "Don't touch me!".

"Seidou Takizawa! Wait! Don't touch it!" Another male voice echoed.

This wasn't good.

"Shiniohara san, it's her!" He screamed back.

Within two seconds, when Mia understood the situation, she run away, pushing everybody out of her way. No matter how much it hurt, she can't let everybody's life be in jeopardy.

Especially Juuzou's.

"Mia, Wait!" Shiniohara screamed, but it was too late, she already jump out of the building to the other one.

Just for a second, it seemed as if a white-haired boy caught her eyes, even though he was so far away.

She was sitting in the middle of an abandoned apartment, trying to control her sobs and tears.

However, it was too hard, so she broke down and cried.

In absolute silence, the sound of the cry of pain was the only thing that was heard. She was killed, and they took everything from her. Inside the black hole which was where her heart used to beat, she felt that crying won't help. She needs to continue living from what she was left with, just like Juuzou did.

Juuzou was sitting next to a cold and high wall; his head looking at the ground, his hair is a mess, bloody drops smeared across his face, with a little grin across his lips.

He killed so much, it sure was fun.

But still, no matter how much he killed, he thought about her.

How couldn't he chase after her? "I shouldn't listen to Shinohara..." He sighs, but the smile is still holding on.

"Juuzou?" a male's voice reached him. He didn't even raise his head or said anything. It was needless.

"How are you," Amon asked the young male.

"Amon san... what a good evening. The stars are so numerous tonight" Said Juuzou while raising his head.

Amon sighed and nodded. "I want to promise you something," said Amon. Juuzou's look was full of curiosity now.

"If we will find Mia, we won't kill her. The first thing we do is connect with you" He said. It was like breaking the rules, but it was worth Juuzou's smile.

"Arigato..." he quietly said and looked at the ground again.

"Amon san, there was something I was wondering about lately," said Juuzou, his voice quiet but enthusiastic, "If you take from someone something, change it a bit, and give it back, how do you call it?" He asked.

Amon rubbed the back of his head, thinking.

After long minutes he said "Larceny" he said.

Juuzou's smiled.

"Larceny is bad... isn't it?" He quietly said to himself before turning around. "I will be going to see Shinohara" He said and waved with his hand.

After some seconds, he found himself behind an old thick tree, with a half-breathing body lying there.

"You were a bad boy" said Juuzou's to the man in the white coat. His eyes are small from the thought which were running through his head. "And bad people are get punished," he said, his hand reaching the needle he had in his pocket and red yarn. "I will sew up that dirty mouth, so you won't be able to scream. Then the fun will begin" He smiled.

Time skips - three months later

She was walking down one of the streets. Her cold hands were buried in her pockets, her cold breaths turning into white vapors. Her facial expression was emotionless, with a hint of indifference. It was a snowy day in the 20 wards, and Mia was walking peacefully, after eating a great meal. She would do everything to stop herself from killing, so when she was hungry, she would search for people who have already died by accident.

She learns to control her hunger/

Suddenly, she smelled a fresh blood odor. It wasn't human's. It was ghouls.

When she took a peak at one of the dark corners, she saw a young lady (the ghoul) Surrounded by men.

"stupid brat" a man asked her.

She was already crying, saying she didn't do anything wrong.

"Well, how sad is that," asked another one.

However, thanks to the good meal Mia just ate, she could stop them without using her kagunes.

After the whole event, she took the young lady to her little apartment. Despite being abandoned, she could find some stuff to fill it in, even light.

"Thank you very much," Said the young lady, drinking her coffee.

"It's fine, what is your name?" Asked Mia. Now when there was a light, she could see the young lady had light blonde hair and Beautiful green eyes.

She was small, but not too small.

"My name is Yui. I am 22 years old. Nothing like that ever happened to me. I just was too weak... I ate too much human food" She said, putting her cup on the table.

"Why did you eat humans' food in the first place?" Mia asked her.

"I have human friends. I don't want to lose them... so I have to, sometimes".

It wasn't logical. Human friends?

"How do you have... human friends?" Mia asked, curious.

"I was born as a ghoul, but everyone I knew died. I never really enjoyed killing and stuff; I admired humans, to be honest.

They don't know I'm a ghoul, yet. I hope they won't know...

I try not to kill as much as I can, because of them. I love them. They are my family. They make me feel...normal." She explained, with a little shy smile.

"Normal, huh?" whispered Mia, her head down.

"We can live with them, we just need to find the right way," She said.

After a good talk, Mia explained Yui everything she went through. Yui was sorry for her, so she decided to take her under her wing, and help her.

Mia adored Yui; she liked her point of view.

She liked the peace and the calm in her voice.

She saw her as her own sister.

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