God, she was right. Anna wouldn't have missed it if she was blinded and going the opposite direction. There was a giant stuffed bull out front of the store, and there was a stuffed deer, and a bear. Not to mention all the other animals.

              "Seriously, Cass? I thought that this was an old timey store. Not the Walker, Montana taxidermist shop."

              "Don't look at me I'm not the one who decided to do this with my store. That was Jess, talk to her."

              Anna looked at Cassie like she was crazy for wanting to go there. "Okay, is this like a hobby of hers or something?"

              Cassie just shook her head. "I guess you could say that. She goes hunting a lot. What else do you do with the animal once you've killed it?"

              "I don't know get the meat and then dispose of the poor things body."

              "Seriously, Anna? How have you survived living in the house? There are deer and elk heads everywhere."

              Anna sighed and shook her head. "I don't know. That's different. It's not like their standing on the floor; their heads are attached to the walls. I don't mind the heads, but I just find the bodies standing on their own a little creepy."

              Cassie started laughing so hard that she was holding her stomach while she convulsed in her seat with each laugh. "Oh, Anna you crack me up! Let's park and go in. I haven't seen Jess in a couple of weeks."

              They found a spot quickly, and before they got out Cassie snagged the bag with the tests.

              "What are you going to tell her when we go in?"

              Cassie looked at Anna like she wasn't sure how to answer her. "I don't know...the truth."

              That seemed to be enough of an answer for Anna because she didn't say anything in return. As they entered Anna seemed to be side stepping all the stuffed animals. It was so amusing that Cassie almost started laughing again.

              Once they entered the store Anna was immediately in love. It was kind of a country home store. There was some old and new stuff. Part of the store was dedicated solely to clothing, and it was like the rest of the store, with some of it being new and old fashion styles.

              When Jess saw Cassie he face lit up and she sashayed towards them. "Hey, I haven't seen you in a while. How have you been?"

              Cassie shrugged her shoulders. "I've been okay. It's still hard you know, with Clint gone."

              "I know I'm sorry, and who's this?" She asked motioning towards Anna as she flipped her dark blonde hair over her shoulder.

              "That's Anna, my brother's girlfriend." She looked at Anna. "This is Jess."

              "Hi it's nice to meet you. I'm glad to know that someone's finally trying to tame Brent."

              "What? How many girls have tried to tame him?" Anna asked suspiciously.

              Jess looked at her as if she was shocked that she didn't know. "Brent's quite popular in this town. Just about every girl has tried to tame him and make him their own, that is until you came about and did it in a matter of minutes."

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