Desperate Situation

Start from the beginning

He can hurt Yugi, She thought. "Shadi ! Stop this right now !" She ordered, raising her head high as she glared at the Egyptian. "It has already begun," Shadi replied. "Then, I'll end it !" Before she could react she was in his hold. Covering her mouth Shadi said," You are powerless without your creatures."

How does he know ?! Struggling she tried to bite and kick. If she got free she'd be able to order Misdreavus to attack or bring out- the Millennium Key touched her and everything went blank.

I was tied and gagged. I could not move. "Alice !" Yugi shouted. "What did you do to her ?!"

"I just made sure she would not be able to ruin my plans again like she did before. I won't let her this time," Shadi explained calmly. "You....How....Why would you do this to them ?!" Yugi shouted as Yami was only closer from taking over.

"Yes Yugi, Be raged....Be hateful....Be saddened. At the boundaries of your feelings, the other Yugi awaits. " The Millennium Puzzle began to glow and Yami took over.

"Shadi." Yami glared at the Egyptian man with his angry red eyes. "Alice. Anzu. How dare you use them in your game ?!"

"I'll finish things with you no matter what. If you loose the game, you loose the girls !" Really ? Do you have any morals ?! Yami growled. "Before I explain the rules....let me say one thing. About the Millennium think solving it was a coincidence, but that is wrong. It chose you? It's been waiting 3,000 years..My family was chosen by the items" Yami glared as he replied,"So...don't be telling me we're buddies. I'm not interested in hearing that ! Explain the rules !"

Shadi I'm going to kill you ! She thought murderously as she though up ideas to kill the man.

"Don't be afraid Yugi." Yami looked confused,"What ? Afraid ?" She heard one of the statues crack but not break. "Somewhere in your heart you are afraid of that power. The unknown powers of the Millennium Puzzle, that's the weakness of the heart. As proof, look there." A statue broke, we went down a little.

I think something dropped in my stomach, She thought.

"Alice ! Anzu !" Shadi I officially am going to kill you. Murderous thoughts of slowly killing the Egyptian man entered her mind. "Didn't you realize the game already started ? The status are your heart. When you show weakness, the statues break, one by one. If the 3 remaining break, you'll loose the girls. But there is a way to win. Tied to the rope is the Millennium Key. Holding it is the reflection of my heart."

"I see. Before my statues break, if yours breaks first..." Wait, hold up. This guy has a heart and he's holding two girls hostage all because he wants to see what makes the Millennium Puzzle tick ?! Prioritize your goals because I don't wanna be street pizza !

"Correct. When that happens the key will go down the rope so the girls can touch it. If they touch it, they will regain their senses, and I lose. Understand ? The one who shows weakness in their heart loses. So let's begin."

Wind erupted from Shadi and whirled to Yami, circling him. "Let's go Yugi ! The first ordeal !" A hole crumbled from the roof and then another and another. This kept on until on huge hole appeared, glowing eyes watched Yami. A pair of purple arms grabbed him from behind holding him up as a head of a monster rose up.


It was that same monster from before ! Flinching She backed away from the monster of greed. The memories from last time made her unwilling to fly down even to her trainer.


"Yugi, to escape that Amemit you have to clear the first ordeal. This game is...the Yami Concentration, " Shadi said as he watched. 9 slates appeared, each had a ? on them. They were in rows of three. "Behind those are pairs of the same picture,"Shadi explained.

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