Chapter 35

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It was August 1st and we were at Aaron's Amphitheater at Lakewood in Atlanta, Georgia. I was sitting in my bus with my band while we were waiting for everything to get started.

"Can you believe it?" I said. "This tour is almost over. Then we'll finally get a well-earned rest."

Liam nodded. "I know. I'm ecstatic. Hey, we'll be able to see some family and friends tomorrow."

"I'm excited about that," I said, grinning.

To say the least, this tour had been absolutely amazing. It was pretty kick ass. Hopefully the rest of it would be great as well.

"Heather!" The voice of Sir Outlaw was calling me himself.

Rolling my eyes, I said, "What do you want Purdy boy?"

"Be my bitch!" he called.

"Never!" I shot back.

"I guess I'll just have to tell Biersack that you hooked up with me and got pregnant," Ashley said, walking onto my bus, a smirk plastered to his face. My band mates were staring at the two of us curiously.

"God dammit Ashley!" I exclaimed, face palming myself. "Fine."

Ashley clapped happily. "First things first. I get to choose your outfit today."

"But I already got dressed!" I complained.

Ashley wagged his finger. "You're my bitch. You'll do as I say."

I growled. "Fine."

He dragged me into my room and began rummaging through my suitcases. He pulled out a short black and blue plaid skirt. To say the least, I was a bit embarrassed that I had that.

He then proceeded to pull out a black tank top, my black Converses that went up my calves, and accessories to match.

He looked at me. "Your makeup looks fine. I won't mess with it. Maybe just put a bit of war paint on you."

Ashley handed me the outfit that he had chosen and ushered me to the bathroom. I closed the door and locked it, getting dressed.

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Once I was done, I exited the bathroom, a blush slowly creeping onto my face.

"Ashley, I look like a slut wearing a skirt this short," I muttered.

"That was just the image that I was going for!" he said, laughing.

"Dick wad," I spat.

"Let's go say hi to the fans now! Some of them are here way early. Now that's dedication. Come on! Let's go! Oh, and you have to carry me," Ashley said.

My jaw dropped. "Are you kidding me?"

Ashley shook his head. "Nope. You're going to give me a piggy back ride."

I groaned. "How long am I your bitch for?"

"Just for a week. Complaining will extend it to the end of the tour," he said.

"Fine," I grumbled, crouching down. "Get on."

The boys were pretty amused as they watched Ashley hop onto my back. He wasn't as heavy as I imagined he would be. Carefully, I walked off of my bus and towards the barriers.

Andy spotted me and raised an eyebrow. I gave him a one of those I'll-tell-you-later looks. He simply nodded and went back to talking to some fans.

"Go back towards Andy!" Ashley directed.

I did as I was told and walked towards Andy. Ashley hopped off and started chatting with the fans.

"Why exactly was Ashley on your back?" Andy asked.

"I'm Ashley's bitch for a week," I muttered.

"Why?" Andy pressed.

"He said that if I didn't agree to being his bitch he was going to tell you that he and I hooked up and that he knocked me up," I said.

Andy shook his head. "He's going to get it. Purdy!"

Ashley looked back at Andy and grinned. "Yeah?"

"I'm going to kick your ass! The only person who can be Heather's pimp is me!" Andy yelled. He began to chase Ashley around the venue.

I face palmed myself. I thought Andy was going to tell Ashley off or something. Instead, Andy wants me to be his bitch. That's just dandy.

"These boys are insane. How I manage to put up with them, I don't know. I mean, I understand Andy. He's the love of my fucking life," I thought. Smiling, I watched as Andy tackled Ashley to the ground.

Yeah, this tour was only going to get much better.

The Brightest Star In All The Glory [Andy Biersack Story]Where stories live. Discover now