Chapter 10

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We were at the next concert venue in the state of Maine. I kind of forgot which city it was, but that wasn't an entirely significant detail at the moment. All that mattered was that we were still on tour, alive, and just having an amazing time.

I say "alive" because I'm surprised no one has died of nervousness or over-excitement yet. This whole touring experience has been exhilarating so far.

The state was set up with all of our equipment and instruments and it was nearly time for my band and I to perform. The excitement was racing through my body, I was extremely pumped.

I bounced on the tips of my toes in my state of excitement, a wide grin plastered to my face. This wasn't the first show on the tour, but I was still excited all the same.

This was our first major tour though. All we had done in the past were little shows, or performed at some shows for bigger bands as opening acts. But this, this was a major tour.

We're touring across the state, and for once, all of our fans who had begun to support us from the beginning would be coming out to see us, along with the other bands.

Of course, most of them would be there for the other bands on tour with us, but it still made us smile to know that there were definitely going to be people out there who came to see specifically us, too.

It was an amazing feeling, and I wouldn't give it up for anything. This was our first show in Maine, and hopefully, they would want us to come back for a second time.

Dean had already gone onto the stage to mess with his drums a little bit, and I heard a few cheers. I smiled knowing that there were at least a few people out there in the crowd who were fans of us, or even recognized us at all.

Logan, Liam, Mason, and I all exchanged looks before we climbed up the steps and walked onto the stage ourselves. We were partially obscured from the crowd, allowing the boys to grab their instruments.

They slung the instruments across their shoulders and positioned themselves on the stage, leaving me to walk out.

With a confident smile on my face, I walked out in front of the microphone, facing the crowd excitedly.

"How many of you guys are ready for a good show today?" I exclaimed, glancing over at Escape The Fate's tent.

They waved at me, putting up a thumbs up, wishing me good luck. I nodded in thanks and smiled. I was definitely going to go out to meet them later on today.

The crowd cheered in response to my question and I laughed. "Alright then. So, we're Rebels Of The Century, and we are a cover band, if you didn't know. It's an aspiration of ours to someday write our own material, but until then, we will be proving to the world that covers of songs of any genre can be just as amazing. Maybe even better. So the first song we'll be performing for you all tonight is 'Second and Sebring' by the band Of Mice & Men."

We got an excited response from the sea of people standing in front of the stage, bright smiles plastered to their faces. Some had dulled expressions, but that's because the show hadn't started yet.

Grinning, I motioned for the boys to beginning playing, and I threw my head down once before bobbing up to the microphone, beginning to sing.

"I believe it's time for me, to be famous, and out of place. I believe it's time for me, to move forward. When I break through, when I break through, when I break through," I sang, leaving Liam to scream.

"This time, I'll make you," Liam screamed as he strummed his guitar.

"Proud to see me over, come on daylight," I sang, grinning.

"Proud of, who you raised," he screamed once more.

I grabbed the microphone, staring out into the crowd. "Your shelter your peacefulness!"

"So this time I'll make you proud!" Liam screamed, for nearly the last time.

"Proud of, who you raised up. you know that I will, always be here 'till the end. Come back so I can say thank you for this, home cooked meals and a place to rest. My troubled head when you're away, I've passed the test, I've earned an A. Not just in school, but in life, you'll always be right by my side. To help me show, hope to all, that are lost and sick in this dying world. I'll use the love you left behind, I'll change their minds, I'll change their minds. I hope, I hope you smile, when you look down on me," I screamed, winking as I saw some shocked looks in the crowd.

"I hope you smile. This can't, we won't know. I hope  that I make you proud," Liam screamed, allowing me to begin singing.

"This is not what it is, only baby scars. We need your love like a boy needs his mother's side. This is not what it is, only baby scars. I need your love like a boy needs his mother's side." I paused, looking down at my feet, allowing the effects of the music to sink in, leaving an emotional feeling. This was a sad song. "This is not what it is, only baby scars. I need your love like a boy needs his mother's side, yeah..."

People in the crowd screamed and cheered loudly for us once the song had ended. I smiled at them and said, "So, have we disappointed anyone out there? The ones who aren't fans of us? The ones who haven't heard of us?"

Everyone erupted into a chorus of screams, bringing a smile of satisfaction to my face. Wonderful, they loved us. I turned my head back to grin at the guys, and they smiled back. We were doing well today. They adored us.

Facing everyone once again, I grinned widely and said, "I hope you liked that last song, because we'll be performing another song by that band. If word ever gets back to them, I want Of Mice & Men to know that I'm in love with them." Laughing, I continued on with what I was saying. "We'll be performing 'My Understandings' by Of Mice & Men now."

Nodding along to the beat of the drums as Dean began to play, I bit my lip a little, my hand still resting on the microphone.

"I don't mind it, I don't mind if you're overrated," I sang softly, my gaze wandering across the faces of the people looking back at me. "Or if you're staring at the edge of the world. But keep in mind that I'm a sore eye, with blurry vision. But I can see yeah it has to be you love, that I've been dreaming of. And if we climb this high, I swear we'll never die. I don't mind it, I don't mind if you're overrated.  Or if you're staring at the edge of the world. But keep in mind that I'm a sore eye, with blurry vision. But I can see yeah it has to be you love, that I've been dreaming of. And if we climb this high, I swear we'll never die. I'll never die..."

The song came to a close and we continued on with the set, performing a couple more amazing songs before departing off the stage. As I walked away, I knew that we had gained a few more fans this afternoon, and the thought of that made me smile.

The stage was cleaned up of our equipment and loaded back into our trailer, allowing the next band's equipment to be set up.

I trotted over to Escape The Fate's tent where they all stood and waved at them cheerily. "Hi, you guys. Big fan here." I held out my hand to Craig and smiled. "I'm Heather Mason, the lead voice of Rebels Of The Century."

Craig grinned back at me and took my hand, gently shaking it. "It's nice to meet you, Heather. You and your band did fantastic today."

I blushed a little bit, feeling honored to have been compliment by someone who's very famous, and very talented. "Thank you, Craig. That really means a lot, coming from you."

I received smiles from Monte, Robert, and Max as well, along with little waves here and there. We all chatted for a little while longer before I told them that I had to go and meet up with my band.

"Maybe we can all hang out some time, yeah?" Max said, grinning.

I smiled and nodded. "Of course!"

Blushing, I ran off to my bus and began squealing a quietly. Logan looked at me strangely, but I payed him no attention. I had just met Escape The Fate. And held a conversation with them. My life is amazing.

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