Chapter 23

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"Heather, wake your lazy ass up," I heard someone say. I was almost awake seeing as I was half-conscious.

"No," I groaned, squeezing my eyes close tighter.

"We have a show today. Come on. We're nearly in Houston," the voice said. My eyes flashed open and I saw that I was back on my bus.

"Who moved me?" I asked, when I saw Logan sitting in front of me.

"Andy carried you here like the good boyfriend he is," he said, laughingly.

I rolled my eyes and stood up. "I'm going to take a shower."

"Alright. That's nice of you to tell us," he said sarcastically. I

smacked his head as I walked away and headed off to my room, digging through my suitcases. I slipped into a white camisole and topped it with a gray and white striped sweater shirt. I wore the classic blue jeans with the tears on the thighs. I slipped into my gray Vans and walked into the bathroom with my gray beanie.

I styled my hair and didn't tease it so it'd look good with the beanie on. I applied my eyeliner and mascara on with just a tad of pink lip gloss. A necklace with a music note as it's pendant was placed around my neck and a rubber bracelet that said "MUSIC = LIFE."

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I examined myself in the mirror and smiled in satisfaction. 

*       *      *       *      *      *       *       *      *        *        *

After the show in Houston, I was pretty hyped up. Bryan Stars was there and he wanted to do an interview with us, Black Veil Brides, and me and Andy together. He had already interviewed all of Black Veil Brides and had come over to us.

"Hey!" Bryan said, shaking all of our hands.

"Hey Bryan!" I cheerfully said.

"So my fans on YouTube have been dying for an interview with world-famous cover band Rebels Of The Century. And here we are!" Bryan exclaimed.

I laughed and turned to the camera. "Well hey YouTube!"

"Okay. Mason, Liam, Logan, Dean, this is a question for you guys only. How do you deal with your morning-wood?" Bryan asked. The boys began to crack up laughing.

"Well, I don't know about the other guys, but I usually sit there for like ten minutes contemplating on whether or not I should take care of it on Heather or just like...leave it," Liam said.

My right eye twitched at his response. I tried to keep my cool and listened to the other guys' responses.

"I just go turn on the television and watch some Dora The Explorer," Dean said.

"Typical," I scoffed.

"What?" Dean asked.

"Nothing," I replied.

"I just leave it," Mason said.

"What about you, Logan?" Bryan asked.

"I sit under the air vents until it goes away," Logan said, stifling his laughter.

I was shaking my head at them. Sometimes it was a huge embarrassment to know these guys. But, boys will be boys and boys had to deal with their morning-wood. They all began laughing and just walked away from the interview, leaving me speechless.

"I can't believe they just walked away like that!" I exclaimed, staring after them. I turned to the camera. "They're idiots. You'll get used to it. After like all your life."

Bryan laughed. "Alright Heather. What has to be your most embarrassing childhood memory?"

I thought hard about this question. There were a lot. "I was about seven and I got lost in the mall with Andy. You know, Andy from Black Veil Brides. Anyways, he and I were wandering away from our parents and ran to the music store. He wanted to buy some more KISS albums and posters and stuff. After he was done, we completely forgot where I parents were. I was just screaming while Andy was screaming out his parents' names. I was scared for my life. Andy, he didn't seem to be worried about anything."

"Did you learn your lessons that day?" Bryan asked.

I shook my head. "No, not really. Because the next day, my mom took me to Wal Mart. I wandered off and you can guess what happened to me. I don't like listening to my parents."

"I take it you were a pretty rebellious kid, huh?" he asked, laughingly.

"Yeah. I'm a fucking rebel. Hence the name of my band. I am one of the rebels of this century," I replied.

"So, the fans want to know, what are your opinions about Mr. Andy Biersack? You've obviously been through a lot and you are now currently dating!" Bryan said, holding the mircophone to me.

I smiled. "Well, I can certainly say that we've been through a lot. We became best friend when I met him when he moved to Ohio. Our moms were long-time best friends and we just got to know each other and we instantly clicked. Well, Andrew Dennis Biersack is absolutely amazing. He's sweet, intelligent, hilarious, sexy, and a moron. But he's my moron. He's the moron that I fell in love with. I couldn't have asked for anyone better and in my opinion, I really don't think I deserve someone as great at him. He is absolutely gorgeous and talented. I'm glad that I am able to call him mine."

Bryan smiled at my response. "That's really sweet of you to say about him. What do you think his response to that would be?"

Looking up at the sky, I thought for a moment. "Well, I'm pretty sure Andy would pretend to be offended about the whole 'moron' comment. Then he would be all like, 'Yeah, I love you too.' Then he would say, 'What are you talking about Heather? I don't deserve you.' That's what he'd say."

"You two seem to be pretty in love," Bryan commented.

I smiled. "That's because we are. I couldn't imagine being with someone other than him. He's just so perfect in my eyes though he has many flaws. Hell, I have many flaws as well. And he still finds me to be perfect. I couldn't imagine spending the rest of my life with someone else. At least, I hope I won't have to spend the rest of my life with someone else."

I meant every word that I was saying. I wasn't doing it for the publicity or to look good. I did it because I truly loved Andy. I didn't love him just for his looks.

Really, those were just a plus. I loved Andy because of the person he is. The way he's so passionate about everything he believes in. He's the only person that I will ever love.

He continued to ask personal questions about myself before he asked, "So, where do you see yourself in five years?"

Without any hesitation, I said, "I see myself still living my life as a rock star. The only difference there will be to my life is that I would be married to Andy. Nothing is going to change that dream."

Turning to the camera, Bryan said, "So guys, there you have it! The interview that you had been dying for. Don't forget to subscribe for updates on new upcoming interviews."

I waved to the camera. "Bye you guys. I hope to see you all at the concerts this summer." I blew some air kisses at the camera, grinning widely.

The camera was shut off and Bryan asked me, "Ready for the interview with Andy?"

I nodded. "Of course. I'm surprised you still have some questions left."

He laughed. "Oh, I have a ton considering Andy ate a set of mine not too long ago."

I giggled. "And he'd be the one to do something like that. Yeah. Typical."

We walked over to Andy and I said, "Andy!"

He pulled me in for a hug and lightly kissed me on the lips. "I missed you so much Heather!"

"But we were only apart for like an hour and a half!" I whined.

"Your point being?" he questioned.
"Touché," I said.

"You read for the interview Andy, Heather?" Bryan inquired.

"Of course," the two of us said in unison.

The camera was turned on by the cameraman and Bryan said, "Welcome to the Bryan Stars interview! So once again, we have Andy Six from Black Veil Brides and Heather Mason from Rebels Of The Century. This time for an interview together. I feel quite honored to be the first interviewer to get to interview them as a couple."

Turning to Andy, he said, "So, I'll ask you again. Will I be able to join Black Veil Brides if I had all of the stuff?"

Andy's eyes widened. "Oh man! I actually have the stuff with me! Wait right here!"

I laughed knowing fully well about the requirements Andy gave to Bryan if he wanted to become a part of Black Veil Brides. A few minutes later, Andy returned with a bundle of clothing and a makeup kit.

"I call doing his makeup and hair," I said nonchalantly.

Andy shoved the clothing towards Bryan. "Go get dressed! My long gazelle legs command you!"

Laughingly, Bryan staggered away towards one of the bathrooms located outdoors.

"Well YouTube," Andy said, "Bryan finally becoming a part of Black Veil Brides!"

A while later, Bryan returned dressed in the attire that Andy had given to him. "How do I look?"

I grinned. "Oh, you're not done yet."

I placed a wig net on his head and placed a black wig on top, pinning it to the net. I teased it a bit and added some hairspray to make sure it didn't fall. I applied paler to Bryan's face with a sponge and worked on his eyes. I did the stitches thing by the corner of his left lip. Once I was done, I examined him with a huge grin on my face.

"You look fantastic Bryan!" I exclaimed.

"You're finally in!" Andy yelled.

"Yeah!" Bryan said in excitement. "Alright. Now that we're through with that, let's ask some questions, shall we? Okay. The fans want to know, what other talents do you have other than being in a band?"

"I can draw amazingly well," I said, lying. But they didn't know that.

Someone rushed to give me some paper and a marker after I requested it. I began to draw what was supposed to be a dinosaur. I held it up so that it would be seen on camera. "Aren't my drawing skills epic?"

"That's adorable Heather. That's fridge worthy," Andy joked. I nudged him with an elbow, glaring at him in amusement.

"What about you Andy?" I asked.

"I can be Batman," Andy said, nothing but seriousness in his voice. I raised an eyebrow in curiosity. Oh really now?

"How so?" Bryan asked.

"I can be a killer Batman. I mean, I've got my side kick, Robin, and Batwoman," Andy said. "I've got some tattoos as you know and I look sexy in tights. I've even got a bat mobile."

"Would I be jealous of this Batwoman?" I purred.

"My dear, you are Batwoman," he said, smiling at me.

He pulled me in for a long kiss. My lips moved perfectly along with his. The world halted at our command whenever we were caught up in the moment together. When we kissed, I swear, fireworks went off every single time.

"Will I have to cut that out of the video?" Bryan joked.

"Naw man. I want the whole world to see how much I love this girl right here. No man will ever have her heart," Andy said.

"Andy," I said, a smile lighting up my face.

"It's true. I want everyone to know," he said. He hugged me and let his arm linger on my waist.

The interview ended on a good note. It was filled with hilarity and all seriousness. There was a lot more kissing. That was a first for Bryan Stars' interviews, huh? Well, that's because he hasn't had a couple on film. What can I say? Andy and I are persons of first.

Andy and I returned to our buses, exhausted. Tomorrow, we'd have a break just to rest or have a bit of fun. On Tuesday, our bands had individual photo shoot with all the members, single band member shoots, and our bands collaborating. I knew for a fact that the photographer wanted some pictures of me and Andy together doing whatever.

Boy, this would be fucking fun. I couldn't wait.

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