Chapter 5

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"Heather. Heather. Heather!"

The shouting sent me tumbling off of the top bunk of the bed I was in. Of course, I didn't go without screaming. 

I found myself in Mason's arms and screamed in his ear, "Oh my fucking god! What the mother fucking hell, Mason?"

Well, at least I didn't fall to the ground. There was a chance that I could have broken or fractured something and we would have had to cancel the tour.

It would be one band short and the schedule would be messed up. Not to mention that there would be a bunch of disappointed fans and we couldn't make our latest tour album of live performances.

"Note to self," Mason began, "never, ever wake Heather up when she's asleep. She'll bite my head off." He chuckled and patted my head.

"I'm a pretty deep sleeper, huh, Mase?" I asked, giggling as well.

"Hmm, I don't think so, Heather. We just left you on the bed for a few hours. We're on the road again. We also went back into the house real quick to grab a bunch of food and our suitcases and bags," he said quickly. 

They left me. On the bus. With it unlocked. For a few hours? Are they insane?Apparently, they are insane. The boys were totally going to get it now. Bad. I'd get them back later, for sure.

Mason set me down on the ground and I walked to the front of the bus to Liam, who was currently driving. I sat down next to him in the empty passenger seat.

"You guys are total assholes," I said.

Liam glanced at me quickly with an innocent look on his face. "Me? An asshole? No way! What did I do to deserve to get called an asshole?" Liam asked. 

"You left me on the bus!" I exclaimed. "How could you?"

"Hey, I suggested to the others to bring you into the house but they denied my idea," Liam reasoned. 

"Likely story, Liam. But even if you did, you could have brought me inside anyways without the others," I growled.

There was no doubt about it now. I would totally get the boys back later. They would get what they deserved. Someone could have snuck onto the bus, since it was unlocked.

They would have then kidnapped, killed, and or raped me! I'm Heather Mason for Jashin's sake! Ugh. They were going to get seriously hurt, the boys.

"Aw, don't be like that, babe. I couldn't disturb you. You would have ripped my head off. Besides, you're so adorable when you're asleep," Liam said.

"Whatever," I muttered.

I stood up from the seat and strutted back to the lounge area. I glared at the three other boys who were looking at me curiously. I pulled my 180 GB iPod out from my hoodie pocket and plugged the ear pieces into my ears. Skull Candy. The absolute best brand ever.

As the music played, the chatter of the boys was blocked out. The only sound I heard was the music. The low rumbling of the bus driving on the road couldn't be heard either. My thoughts and music were the only sounds. It was peaceful.

I stared  out of the window as I pulled my knees closer to my chest, silently singing along to the songs in my head.

And that's when I got a brilliant idea.

I'd sing the song I was listening to at one of our performances while on tour. The song was 'Your Guardian Angel' by The Red Jumpstuit Apparatus. I might dedicate it to Andy as well. But I knew I shouldn't and I wouldn't.

I began to fall asleep once more, calmed by the soft music playing in my ears. Growling, I said, "Boys, wake me up before we arrive at the concert. I need to prepare later. Scratch that. Wake me up an hour and thirty minutes before we arrive."

"Well, now would be a great time to start preparing. We're exactly two hours away from New York City, our destination," said Logan.

Groaning, I stalked off to find my suitcases and grabbed my outfit, toiletries, hair supplies, and makeup. I trudged on and walked into the bathroom on the bus, locking the door. That's the great thing about this tour bus of ours.

It had like everything that we needed while on tour. I turned the water on to heat it up a bit. After a while of waiting, I climbed into the shower after peeling my clothes off.

*        *         *       *        *       *         *       *         *        * 

I bent over the counter, applying my eyeliner and my mascara. My jet-black hair was dried and after my makeup was applied, I brushed it gently with a comb.

The silky strands of my bangs fell over my eye and I blew them away. I turned around to face the full-body view mirror and was satisfied with the sight that I saw.

I wore my favorite dark gray skinny jeans with fashionable tears at the knees and spots on my thighs. I wore a neon green graphic t-shirt and my favorite classic black converses. A neon green bow sat in my hair and clashed beautifully with the jet-black color and my demantoid green eyes.

After spraying a bit of perfume on, I left the bathroom and told the guys that I was ready for anything.

*       *       *       *       *        *        *       *       *         *

Just thirty minutes later, we arrived at the Grand Central Station in New York. A huge ass stage was set up in front of the stations.

The bands that were here are All Time Low, Disturbed, Meg & Dia, and Apocalyptica. I shrieked as I saw the All Time Low sign and skipped off to meet up with Alex Gaskarth. I had like the biggest crush on him. I have always wanted to meet him and see him in person.

You may be asking yourself, "I thought she loved Andy!"

I do. I am in love with the guy, but he doesn't love me back and it's completely fine no matter how much it hurts me. And it's fine to still have crushes on other people.

It wasn't too hard to find Alex. The crowd was somewhat small. The concert wouldn't start until an hour. It was so that we could check for technical difficulties and rehearse and a bunch of other bull shit. When I finally did find Alex, I calmed myself down and approached him carefully and slowly.

I grabbed his attention and he flashed me an adorable grin.

"Hey, I'm Heather Mason," I said, smiling at him sweetly.

"Yeah, I know. Who wouldn't? I'm a big fan. I love your covers of our songs. We used to be a cover band, you know?" said Alex. 

"Yep. Totally." I giggled a little and Alex and I continued to talk for the whole hour until the place began to become extremely crowded.

In that hour, we had become pretty close. I think I found my new best friend. No one could ever replace Andy, but I felt a strong bond towards Alex. Maybe it could become something more one day. If it did, I knew I would always love Andy no matter what.

I met up with the rest of my band and waited backstage until it was our turn to perform. The performances before us were utterly fantastic.

Smirking as it came for us to come forward to the stage, I flipped the power switch off as part of our planned performance and had smoke explode onto the stage. It was only until then did we walk out onto the stage. I held my bass guitar and my lips were close to the mic.

"The first song that Rebels Of The Century will cover for you tonight is 'Already Over' by Red!" I shouted. The crowd cheered and I begin the strum my bass.

*         *        *        *         *        *         *        *          *         *         *

The concert was over. During the whole performance of the Black Veil Brides, I kept seeing Andy glancing at me with concern as Alex and I laughed together in the crowd in the fron row. Alex and I had clicked like peanut butter and jelly on two slices of bread.

He was easy to talk to and extremely funny. He was really nice as well. I couldn't help but like him and laugh at him. Boy, was my life getting more complicated than it already was and more than it needed to. Oh well. As long as I was content.

My mood increased in its happiness when I found out that for the rest of the tour, All Time Low would be with us as well. That gave me and Alex more time to spend with each other. 

"Isn't that great, Alex?" I exclaimed.

In reply, he had simply given me a hug and kissed my forehead. All in front of dear Andy Six. And neither of us knew. 

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