Chapter 9

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Andy's P.O.V

Why is it that whenever I happen to turn my back to face them, Heather and Alex are always flirting or hugging? Kissing, in this case. It's as if they are deliberately doing what they are doing to piss me off and make me jealous, but I knew that was kind of insane. They couldn't have known when I turn around.

Alex makes Heather happy. He's given her something that I failed to give her. Love and happiness. Instead, that day I left, I gave Heather despair and hate. Sorrow and emptiness.

I stormed out of the club and went to take refuge in the tour bus. 

Heather's P.O.V

"Wow," I breathed, smiling after Alex pulled away from the kiss.

"You're amazing yourself, Heather," Alex said, his voice seductive. 

"Oh yeah? You haven't seen all that I can do," my voice flirty. Alex smirked and we kissed again. After pulling away for the last time, we began to dance along to Gorgeous Nightmare, by Escape The Fate.

"Hell yes!" I exclaimed. I loved this song. I loved Escape The Fate, and I wasn't ashamed to admit it.

We all danced the night away, got drunk, and had fun. We walked back to the hotel and quickly took refuge in our hotel rooms. I walked out, not really thinking straight, and headed towards the room of Black Veil Brides. Andy was outside of the room, and I pecked him lightly on his lips, running away in a fit of giggles.

Andy knew that I was drunk and just brushed the matter away. I didn't know what I was doing. Being drunk makes people do things that they don't know about, really. I returned to my hotel room and sat down on the couch, staring blankly at the television.

In my room, I heard a knock on the door and I stumbled up from the couch, going to answer the door. When I opened it, I found Alex standing there, a smile plastered onto his face.

"We should go back to my room, yeah? My band's gone out for a while... Some alone time, hm?" he murmured into my ear, his hands on my waist.

I bit my lip and nodded, allowing him to lead my away. He dragged me into his room and pulled me onto the bed. I lied on my back and tilted my head to the side as he kissed my neck, down to my collarbone, biting down softly. His fingers played with the bottom of my shirt, slowly sliding it up.

I smirked slightly, laughing softly.


Alex and I had finished up and had gotten dressed again. I lightly pressed a kiss to his lips, smiling as I did so.

"See you tomorrow?" I said, smiling still.

Alex nodded. "Of course, Heather. I love you."

I grinned. "I love you too."

I felt content. More than I have been in the past few years. I was actually happy. I had someone to love and someone to love me back. But I couldn't and wouldn't forget about Andy. I still loved him as well. I didn't know how to feel towards him. He has hurt me, abandoned me, and come back to me like nothing happened at all.

Returning to my room, I continued to think long and hard about Andy, my mind not able to get off of the subject of him.

I didn't know what to do about Andy anymore. I wanted with all of my heart to give up on him. To live my life without thoughts of him troubling me. I wanted to move on. I kind of have. But I wanted all my memories of him to be gone. Permanently. I wanted nothing to do with Andy. Not anymore. 

But I knew that it was impossible. Andy would always be a part of my life, somehow. I hoped one day that he would come to love me.... No matter how hard I tried not to, I still loved Andy. 

*        *        *        *        *        *        *       *        *        *

"Holy shit!" I yelled, running down the halls of the hotel. We were playing Hide-And-Go-Seek-Tag. Logan was 'it' and was on my tail. I rushed into an open elevator and frantically pushed the buttons.

I closed it before he could get in. I waited patiently until the elevator opened up. I rushed out, bumping into some angry people and ran down the halls again. 

I hid in a bathroom that was on this floor. I gnawed at my finger nails nervously. Logan was one of the ultimate players of this game, as was I, but I seemed to be failing at this current game. Logan would find me sooner or later. I had my money on 'sooner'.

And I was right. 

"Heather! Come on out! I know you're in here," Logan said, his voice somewhat seductive. I couldn't help myself. I had a few drinks before playing the game. I walked out of the stall and ran into Logan's open arms.

"You found me!" I giggled. I pecked him lightly on the lips, licking them with my tongue. His teeth caught my tongue and pulled it into his mouth and kissed me. Oh who am I kidding? Everyone purposely had a few drinks before playing the game. Tequila and vodka. The strong stuff.

We made out for a bit before I ran away from him screaming, "You're never going to get me this time!"

I ran right into Alex's arms, screaming with delight. I kissed him and linked my arms with his, running away.

*       *       *        *       *      *       *       *       *      *

Alex and I were the victors of the game. Logan couldn't find us. 

"Yay!" I giggled, my mood bubbly. Even Andy was smiling a bit. Even in my drunk status, I knew what I had to do. I walked up to Andy and said, "I forgive you."

Andy stared at me with a shocked expression. "You do?"

"What the hell did I just say? Andy? Of course I do!" I yelled. I hugged him and he held me in his arms for a long period of time, caressing my back, rubbing my sides gently.

"I missed you, Andy. Don't leave me like that again, please... You hurt me. I don't want to be hurt like that again. It was hard on me. I can't believe that you did that. I couldn't. I still can't believe it," I said, looking up into his eyes.

A very jealous Alex Gaskarth was standing in the background, glaring at Andy. I felt the burning gaze on my back and I sensed trouble coming. A love triangle? These two would be the death of me.

"I missed you too Heather. I'm so sorry," Andy said.

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