Chapter 18

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"I think I might have an idea," Andy whispered, staring into my eyes.

I nearly melted in his ice-blue gaze but I kept myself strong. In all this time, I had nearly forgotten just how beautiful his eyes really were. I hadn't had the opportunity to gaze directly into his eyes.

They were so gorgeous. If given the opportunity, I could stare into them for the rest of my life. Never before have I ever seen a man with eyes so beautiful, piercing, and just simply perfect.

"Before I really start to say anything, I just want to know something," I said.

"Know what? I'll tell you anything, Heather, I promise," Andy vowed.

"What happened to that sweet guy who was my best friend? The one person, besides my brother, that I could go to with my problems? The one I trusted with my life? The one I loved with all my heart? The one who was my best friend? The guy who I was inseparable with? What happened to him?" I questioned.

Andy swallowed hard. "Heather, he never left."

"I wish I could believe that. I really wish I could," I said.

I could see the hurt flickering in his eyes. I was on the verge of tears. I was actually having a conversation with Andrew Dennis Biersack for the first time in five years.

"Why can't you believe it?" Andy asked.

"Because Andy. If that part of you never left you would have answered my texts, my calls, came to visit me, and most of all, asked me to join your band," I said, nearly stuttering at some points.

Andy didn't respond to that.

"I knew it. See? You never cared. You've got nothing to say to that, don't you?" I accused.

"That's not it!" Andy exclaimed.

"Then why did we not communicate? Don't give me some bullshit answer. I know your band mates didn't stop you. I spoke to them continuously," I hissed.

Andy's P.O.V

I had no answers to her questions. The reason being was because I myself didn't know the answers to her questions. I was at loss for words. I didn't know what to tell her.

I couldn't just be honest and say that I didn't know. She wouldn't take that and see me as even more of an asshole than I already seem to her.

I left her behind.



I wouldn't understand anything she's gone through because of me.

"Well?" Heather asked, growing impatient.

"I-I," I said, stuttering.

She gave me a look that said, "I'm waiting."

"Heather, I guess I just wasn't thinking. I was being selfish," I finally said, having thought things through a bit. They were incomplete, but it was better than saying "I don't know."

She didn't appear satisfied.

"You could have at least answered my calls and text messages Andy. You could have apologized for your actions and kept in touch with me! If you had, I wouldn't be so aggravated by you!" she exclaimed.

I flinched at the tone of her voice. It was kind of scary. I wasn't afraid of her. It's just that the tone of her just wasn't her. The Heather Mason that I once knew wasn't with me. I guess that was my fault. I destroyed her.

"I know," I sighed.

"Well, why didn't you?" she said, nearly yelling.

I swear, if she and I spoke any louder, everyone around us would hear our conversation. The guys in the other buses, people in nearby buildings, everywhere. And who knew? There might be paparazzi right outside, listening in on what we were saying.

I held up a finger telling Heather to wait a moment. I exited the bus and checked the surroundings. We were clear. Grunting, I hopped back onto the bus and locked the door.

"What was that about?" she asked, narrowing her eyes in suspicion.

"I just wanted to see if there were any paparazzi outside or anything. I don't want the whole world to know what we're talking about," I said. Heather nodded in agreement.

"So anyways, back to what we were saying before you walked out on me," she said.

"Heather, I'm going to be honest with you. Okay?" I said, finally realizing the truth after so long. "I wanted to forget about you. Alright? I wanted all of our memories out of my mind. They were etched in so deep. It was hard. Not calling you back, ignoring your texts and calls, it was helping me. I loved you Heather. I thought you didn't love me back. Which is why I left without you. I should have asked you to join. Endured the pain just to keep you with me. But, I didn't. I thought you didn't feel the same about me Heather."

Heather's P.O.V

I was shaking uncontrollably. I couldn't believe a word that Andy was saying. I was unsure if they were true or not. What could I believe now? Certainly not anything that came out of Andy's mouth. But I was here to set things straight.

"Andy, I'm not sure if I should believe you or not. After all the times that you've lied to me, I don't know," I said, looking down at my feet.

"You have to believe me. Please," Andy pleaded, his eyes turning wide, staring into my own green eyes.

He stumbled closer to me, locking our gazes. He held my face gently with one hand and continued to stare into my eyes. My breathing slowed and softened. Andy leaned in for a kiss. Our lips were locked. I was kissing him back. I didn't know why.

Abruptly, I pulled away and said, "Andy! I can't do this. I can't trust you anymore! Whether your words are true or not...I don't know! I need time to think, okay?"

Andy nodded with a sad and longing expression resting on his face. I swear, if I wasn't an Atheist and I actually believed in a god, I'd say he was a god-send.

He was beautiful. Sure, he wasn't perfect. Of course. But he was still sweet. Talented, charming, attractive.

Even after all of the bullshit he's put me through, I remember and take into consideration all of the fun we had when we were younger.

He was such the sweetheart. I unlocked the bus's door and stepped outside, heading off to my own. As I walked inside, everyone turned to look at me.

"How did it go?" Jake asked hesitantly, wondering if he had said the wrong thing or not.

"I'm not sure Jake," I said. "I can't describe or put it into words."

"How did what go?" Liam asked.

"She and Andy were having a talk," Ashley said.

"I thought you were hanging out with Escape The Fate," Dean said, a puzzled expression crossing his face.

"I was. They saw that I was upset. So Craig suggested that I went to talk things out with Andy in private. And that's what I did." I told them the rest of the story, remembering to mention that I was undecided as to whether or not I was going to believe Andy's words.

Walking off of the bus, I headed off towards Escape The Fate's bus.

Walking inside, I rushed into Craig's arms. It was kind of funny since he was three inches shorter than me.

"Thank you Craig," I said.

"Did it work?" Craig asked, his tone of voice sounding hopeful.

"Not exactly," I said.

I went on, repeating what I had told my band and Black Veil Brides. Everyone was nodding in understanding.

"Hope everything works our for you Heather," Bryan said as I was walking off.

I simply nodded and headed back to my own bus.

Hopefully, at the venue in Connecticut tomorrow, the concert there will help me get my mind off things, clear it a bit, and help me think. I could only hope.


The Brightest Star In All The Glory [Andy Biersack Story]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن