Chapter 12

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Andy's P.O.V

I hardly got a wink of sleep last night, due to the other three bands jamming out. I was exhausted and stressed out, and all I wanted to do was sleep, but then there was a loud disturbance like that.

Ashley, CC, Jake, and Jinxx wanted to go and join everyone else, but I told them not to, which resulted in them not being too happy with me. It wasn't like I cared if they were mad at me or not over that.

If they had gone, I knew that they would have found some way to drag me off with them, and I wasn't going to stand to be in the same room as Heather.

I didn't hate her, no, what I felt for her was far from that. I was just afraid of what would happen between us. She had forgiven me, yeah, but I was still scared. I hurt her before, and what if she began to interrogate me? I would not be able to handle that.

Rolling my eyes, I turned on my side in bed, clutching the covers close to my chest and closed my eyes. I was going to give this whole sleep thing another try tonight.

"You know, Andy, after recalling your story about a million times, maybe if you had told Heather you were leaving, maybe you wouldn't be in this predicament right now. You could be with her," CC said, catching my attention.

I jolted up in my bed and simply stared at him, pain immediately rushing to the depths of my eyes. "CC, stop. Don't talk about this. Not right now, not ever. Please."

"You can't keep avoiding her forever, Andy. You're eventually going to have to talk to her about everything and set things straight," Jinxx said softly.

I sighed, knowing that they were right. "I know, but I'm not ready yet. Give me time, and eventually, I'll be ready."

They all nodded and went to get settled to head off to sleep as well. Turning on my back, I stared at the ceiling of the room and clutched the sides of my head. They were all right though.

They were usually right about a lot of things. I did need to confront Heather and talk to her about everything. Maybe she would understand. Maybe she would forgive me, completely. 

Closing my eyes for the last time, my chest heaved as I took in one last deep breath and fell asleep, my last thought about Heather. I'd see her in the morning. Maybe I'd speak to her then.

Heather's P.O.V

I woke up about thirty minutes later, not able to fall asleep. Slowly and quietly sneaking out of the room, I ran down the hall to All Time Low's room, hoping that they were still awake. Knowing them and the shenanigans they were always up to, they had to be awake.

Just as I suspected, they were. I heard the sound of quiet shouting and stumbling, then someone falling. Seconds later, a very out of breath Alex opened the door, his eyes twinkling brightly. He looked so cute. Aw. 

"Hey, Heather," Alex said, smiling.

I giggled quietly. "Have a nice trip?" 

He blushed, seeming a little flustered. "You heard that?" 

I nodded. "Yeah. A little to excited to answer the door, eh?"

He chuckled. "Just a tad."

Alex smiled at me and dragged me into the room, proceeding to pick me up and jump into his be. I cuddled into him and he held me close to his body.

"Let's go to the docks tomorrow," I suggested in a soft undertone.

Alex nodded. "Alright, love."

Smiling, I buried my face in his neck and closed my eyes, hugging him. He laughed softly and hugged me as well. I was so comfortable, it was too easy to fall asleep. If I could fall asleep this way every night, my life would be perfect.

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