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I got up and walked to an area. It was really open and it thought it would be the perfect place.

"What are you doing here?" Alby asked. I looked t see Newt, Minho, Chuck, and Frypan were behind him.

"This," I say pointing to the area. "Is the place you are not to come at all today. Not even an emergency unless it's life or death. I want you to stay away until I tell you. This is were our game will take place."

"Okay." They all muttered.

"Now leave."

They left. I looked around and saw what we could do. Cops and Robbers. I don't know how I remember that but I did. I grabbed a blue shirt from my clothes. I ripped it into 3 strips. Then I made a sign that said jail at the jail. Then I was done and I realized it was dinner.

I went to dinner to energize before our big game.

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