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I dreamt of me younger. I was probably around the age of 12 or 13.

Could this be a memory? I thought.

I wasn't the younger me, it was like I was looking at at the scene.

I was running my hair was almost to my waist and it flew in the wind. I seemed to be playing tag with someone.

A boy appeared from in the woods. He had blonde hair and brown eyes and was chasing me. When he got close he tagged me. I sighed and and he turned me to face him.

"I won't let them take you or me." He stated. He had a familiar accent that I felt that I knew.

"You think we have a choice? They're going to send us in no matter what." I said.

"We have to find each other after."

"If we get out."

"We will."

"I'll find you. No matter what it it takes."


Me and the boy then kissed. When they pulled apart I said, "You wanna know something?"


"Your it!" I tagged him and ran.

"Really?" He said and smiled then ran off to chase me. Then it all faded to black.
I woke up with a start and Clint dropped whatever he was holding.

"Wow. You woke up fast. You lost a lot of blood lay back down." He sat repositioning my pillow.

"No I'm fine. I need some air." I say getting up but he pushes me back down.

"No you need to rest."

"I don't want to rest."

"Well you need it."

Without thinking I kicked him where it hurt and ran. I ran down the steps two at a time. I passed some boys and they were saying things like,

"What's she doing up?"

"She just might be a runner."

"What's she doing?"

I ran past them all and didn't slow down, in fact I sped up. I felt the wind in my face and I felt free. I then heard shouts that I guessed were from Clint.

"Wait come back! Your not stable yet!" He said. I could tell he was chasing me. Then he called others and I knew I was being chased for real. I ran skidded to a stop and looked back to see Clint, Alby, Newt, an Asian boy, and some others. I looked around frantically and found a tower.

I ran to in and started climbing when I got to the top I found lots of rocks. I then decided that if this was happening I would throw them.

I threw own rock and I yelled, "Leave me alone!"

"We just want to talk!" Newt yelled up.

"You need to rest! Tell her that!" Clint said.

"I'm happy that you're concerned about me but in completely fine." I say.

"Would you stop throwing rocks! If you haven't realized they can kind of hurt heads!" The Asian boy yelled. This was my chance.

I wasn't that high up so if I jumped I wouldn't necessarily break a leg. With one last look I wen to the side, closed my eyes and jumped. I landed on my feet mad ran my hair flying behind me.

"There she is!" Clint yelled. I could hear feet running and the pants of breath. If one of them caught me I would be done.

I realized the giant doors were open so I ran to one. It looked like the doors would never close.

"I wouldn't go in there! Not right now at least!" Alby yelled.

I rolled my eyes. Why would I give a crap about what he thought! I started to run in but lots of arm held me back.

"Let go of me!" I yelled.

"You can't bloody go out there! It isn't safe!" Newt yelled.

"Well it looks perfectly safe to me." I finally gave up and they let go. Then I took off again this time heading into the woods.

Hiding spot. I need to find a hiding spot, I thought.

I ran into the woods and looked in all the directions. I found a large tree and hid behind it. I searched my clothes seeing if I had my weapons. I liked to see I had a dagger attached to my belt. I took it off and held it in my hand, prepared to use it.

"Hello? We aren't going to hurt you." Alby said.

"Yeah we just want to bloody talk." Newt said.

"Well I want her to rest." Clint said.

"She doesn't need to rest didn't you see that?" The Asian boy said.

"Where did she even go?" Alby asked.

"She's behind that tree. But we can't just go and talk we need to have her come out. We-" Newt said.

"You what?" I said stepping out with my dagger pointed at them.

"Well we got her to come out." The Asian boy say.

"Minho shut it." A boy with extreme eyebrows said.

"Gally I can do what I want." Minho said.

"Shank." Gally said.

"Shuck-face." Minho said.

"What in the world is a shank and a shuck-face?" I say in a demanding way. Nobody says anything. "Answer me!"

"It's just nicknames we use." Minho said.

"What am I doing here? What is this place? Who are you? And why can't I remember anything?!?" I yell.

"It's a lot to explain." Newt said.

"Well it looks like I have time now doesn't it?" I say raising an eyebrow.

"Minho go get Chuck." Alby said.

Then they started to explain.

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