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We started walking back towards the glade and I looked at the sky seeing the stars.

"They're back!" Minho said.

I looked at him to see he was walking from the fire and was walking like he owned the place and then, he tripped and fell. I started laughing like a total creep and when he got up and walked over. He then started tickling my so that I laughed even more.

"Stop it." I laughed out. He finally stopped and him and Newt started laughing. "What's so funny about me being tickled?"

"Because your eyes were mad but you were laughing and I could tell that you were about to punch him." Newt said still laughing.

"What a creep." Minho stated.

I stuck my tongue out and walked away.

"Bri, come on we didn't mean it." Newt called.

I kept walking. Minho and Newt then ran up and tried to turn me around but I flipped my hair whacking them in the faces.

"That's what you get." I say and turn around. Minho and Newt coughed and I laughed. "Come on, let's go."

I started walking and they followed. We sat on a log and watched the fire. I then looked over to see Newt looking at me and I looked back at the fire.
I realized that everyone was silent as we all watched the fire.

"Why aren't you guys talking?" I asked. Everybody looked at me and I shrugged.

"Because we don't know what to talk about." Alby said.

"Really. Nothing to talk about. Wow."

"Well it's not like we can talk about what we like." Minho said.

"Okay well tomorrow night we're going to play a game. Who wants to?" Newt, Alby, Chuck, Minho, and Frypan raised they're hands. "Good now we have an even number you all better be asleep when we play and you guys better stay away from where I say. Understood?"

"Yes." They all answered.

"Good." I stood up and walked to Homestead and walked into Newt's room. I then collapsed on Newt's bed. Soon sleep took over and I fell asleep.

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