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"So tell me! I want you know everything right now!" I yell.

"What are you going to do if we don't?" Minho asked.

"I'll throw the dagger!"

"No you won't. Plus I'll move quick enough."

"Tell me now! I want to know now and if you don't I'm going to run out through those doors! Plus I won't rest!" I yell changing the subject because I had no idea how good of a throw I have.

"She needs her rest! Just tell her." Clint says.

"Fine. If you bloody want to know then we'll tell you." Newt says.

"Tell me now." I say strictly.

"Anger issues much?" Minho said.

I glared at him warning him not to say anything.

"Okay, so it's pretty simple. We woke up in the bloody box just like you. No memories at all. First it was a group then, people started coming up month after month. We call them Greenies. We formed an area and made our own society here. We call it the Glade. We have different jobs here: Med-jacks, cooks, runners, track-hoes, builders, and slicers. We all get along and those doors," Newt said pointing. "Are the doors. They close every night. We told you not to go because they're about to close. The maze is out there. You're the only girl in the Glade that's why everyone gets so surprised. That's pretty much all."

"Okay. So how did we get here?" I ask.

"We don't know." Alby said.

"Who put us here?"

"We don't know. We call them the Creators." Alby said.

Then a little boy who was chubby with curly brown hair. Minho had ran back awhile ago claiming that Chuck was on his way.

"Hey. I'm Chuck." Chuck said.

"I'm Sabrina." I say.

"Wow you sound different when your not yelling." Minho said. Again I glared at him telling him to shut up.

"So where am I going to sleep?" I ask all of them only because I knew I would need to know at some point.

"Well you are the only girl so we can't have you sleep just anywhere." Alby said.

"She could sleep in the forest." Gally said.

"Or with me." Minho said wiggling his eyebrows.

I mouthed help me to Alby and he nodded.

"You can stay with Newt. I know him, he won't touch you unless you want him to." Alby finally said.

"Why me?" Newt asked.

It kind of hurt my feelings that he didn't want me to stay with him. But some of me said he liked me and just didn't want the others to know.

"Because your the only one I can trust. What do you say Greenie?" Alby asks.

"I'm for it if he's fine with it." I say crossing my arms.


"Yes?" Newt asked.

"Are you fine with Miss Sabrina staying with you?" Alby asked.

"Ummmm...." He looked at me and I shrugged. "I guess."

Inside I was screaming and gossiping to myself. Then I heard a loud grinding noise I looked to see the doors moving.

Without meaning to, my jaw drops. The doors seemed that it wasn't even possible to move whatsoever.

"Surprising right?" Chuck asked.

I turned to see everyone else had left and Chuck was the only one left. I gave him a questioning look.

"They were going to a gathering."

"What's a gathering?"

"It's a meeting. They're deciding if you get to try out to be a runner since, um, you know-"

"I'm a girl. Yeah I know."

"Yeah so they're discussing."

"What is a runner?"

"You're going to have to ask Newt or Alby or Minho."


"Because I don't know if I'm aloud to tell you. I only came here a month ago. Right before you. I barely know more than you."

"I know. Sorry."

"It's fine. Let me show you some of the things around here."

Chuck showed me around and it took about an hour. From hide-outs to the kitchen to different little corners in the woods. When we were finally done my legs were tired. At random points he made me do jumping jacks, push ups, toe touches. I was exhausted not only that but I was also running walking jogging and dancing. This kid is going to kill me. I can see it in my future.

I then just face planted because I didn't care.

"Sabrina we have to keep walking I still have to show you 10 places and I need you to do 50 more push-ups." Chuck whined.

"But I can't feel my legs or my arms. I need to just lay. Forever." I say.

"But you can't lay there people are going to walk on you."

"I don't care I just want to lay here."

"I'll stay. I guess."

"Chuck, what did you bloody do to the Greenie?" Newt asked.

"Yeah. She looks like a rug that's too pretty to step on." Minho said.

"I just made her do some simple ex-" Chuck began.

"He made me run, jog, walk, dance, 100 jumping jacks, 100 push-ups, and 60 toes-touches. Now he wants me to do 50 more push-ups, but my arms and legs are numb and now I'm on the ground cause I face planted, on purpose, and I'm just dead." I explain.

"Well someone is bound to step on you." Minho said. "I'm going to laugh. Ha ha ha."

"Ha ha ha." I say mocking him.

"Come one seriously get up." Newt said.

"But I can't feel anything!"

"Chuck you bloody broke the girl."

"It's not my fault I was just trying to make her an athlete." Chuck said shrugging.

"Well the way she jumped off the tower and still ran full speed I think she's fine." Minho said.

"Sabrina, just so you know you're able to try out for a runner." Newt said.

"Yeah fun. I get to be numb yet again." I say sarcastically.

"Be happy. I had to do lots of convincing to get you able to be trying out for a runner." Minho said.

"Get up its time to eat." Newt said and kicked my side lightly. "Everyone's going to eat the food if you don't."

"Fine. But don't be surprised if I fall again." I stand up and wipe the grass off of me.

"There you go, Greenie. Now you might not get stepped on." Newt said.

"Ha ha. Let's get food." I say and start walking I turn around realizing I forget where Chuck told me. What it was like 50 minutes ago and I forget easily.

"Let's go." Newt said leading the way.

Glowing Green Eyes [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now