C h a p t e r 1 : Kidnapped

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She walked around, thoughts running through her head while looking at his stuff.

His red stitches.

His Coloring Books.

His knife collection.

He loved those so much. Whenever he gets bored, he would go through his stitches, color his boos or play with those yarns.

He wanted to stitch Mia so badly, but she never let him. She's afraid of all those needles, she can't even see blood, despite the fact Juuzou would occasionally come back from a working day when his clothes were soaked with fresh blood.

But that was what he liked about her; this gentleness and innocence, those cute little eyes, and her funny way of reacting when she's scared. She just was that perfect doll, which he was sure his mama would love to play with, but he will never give it to anyone, for the simple reason- she is his. And no matter what in the world would happen, she will always stay his. She promised him, so it's a fact to him.

When he finally came back, the two turned on the Television and watched a horror movie. Juuzou liked them, but Mia didn't, so they chose something they both will enjoy, and Juuzou promised, that if she will get scared, he will be there for her and protect her.

"I wonder who is going to be killed next..." Said Mia, trying to hide the fear in her voice.

"She will," said Juuzou and pointed at the last girl who just got shot in her head. "H-how did you know?" Mia asked, amazed by his strange talent.

"Because he hated her. Do you even watch the movie?" Asked Juuzou as if it was so obvious. "But he said he loves her!" Mia protected. Juuzou sigh and turn to face Mia-"Everybody lies. It's the only truth, in this movie." He said.

"How do you know that? Teach me!" Said Mia, Angry about herself for not understanding this earlier.

"Come here" he ordered. She followed his orders and sat between his legs, her back resting on his chest. He put his chin on her shoulder.

"You see that guy?" He asked, pointing at the screen.

She nodded lightly, trying to focus on the guy and not on his moves.

"What he said to her yesterday?" He asked.

"He said he was going on a trip" Mia answered.

"Good, who else was with him," He asked.

"Jack and Benny" - "One of them is the killer. Who it will be?" He asked. She thought for a second but still couldn't answer.

"Think about who was killed already"

"Benny!" She said enthusiastically.

"Good girl, so who will be killed next?" He asked.

"His girlfriend?" - "Good girl! Do you see? You don't need to rely on words. You should rely solely on actions." He said.

She loved it when he became serious. He would be so concentrated, and it was very rare.

"hooo I'm sooo exhausted! I will be going to sleep now. " He said as he starched up and run off to the bedroom.

"Goodnight, Mia - chan" He said before closing the door.

Although they were living together, Juuzou preferred to have his room.

It was a bright morning, and Juuzou went off to work, leaving his mate alone in their little apartment. She was working at the library, however, it was Sunday, the only day the library was closed.

She was sitting on the couch, watching a random show when she heard a knock on the door.

She opened it to meet a red-haired male, with a package.

"Who are you?" she asked him.

"Here, take this," he said.

"What is it?" she asked. She could see how nervous and sweaty he was, by the sweat drops which appeared on his forehead.

"I can't tell," he said and put the box between them before running away.

"Okay..." she said and took the box.

She put it on the table inside the apartment, wondering if she should open it or not.

"I will wait for Juzo" she finally said to herself and rested on the couch. She glance at the box one more time before closing her eyes. A cream little box, covered with delicate bright ropes.

What could it be?

Curiosity got the better of her, and she got up again to open the package.

The inside of this package was red. It took her some seconds to understand it was real dripping blood.

Anxiety took its place in her eyes. Her shaking hands took the bloody paper which was in.

'Eyes/ mouth

hand/ leg

liver/ lungs

spleen/ ilium

Large intestine/gallbladder'

The list was longer, but at this point, Mia could not stand it anymore and run to the bathroom to throw up.

She sat on the cold floor, while everything was spinning around.

What is that? What should she do now?

All the questions run through Mia's mind and got cut by another knock on the door.

That knock was louder, stronger.

She reached for the phone that was peacefully lying in her pocket.

Juzo didn't answer.

Dread and panic were what she felt. The knocking became louder with every second.

Maybe his partner will answer.

It was hard to tap up his number because her hands were shaking a crazy way.

Finally, he answered.

"Yukinori Shinohara" he said formally into the phone.

"Shinohara san! Please help me!" Mia managed to scream before the front door broke into pieces.

"Mia? Mia!" Shinohara asked but the phone already fell and broke up.

Where the front door used to be, were standing now two men with the same musks.

The musks were white clear, nothing too fancy.

Mia tried to run away, but everything started to get blurry, and she fell onto the floor before she could scream for help.

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