Craig's a Workin' Man

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****Author's note - after the kids did the undercover operation at the high school and Lenny went AWOL, Logan handed over the crappy pickup truck they used to Craig. And everyone kept making fun of him because of it. So, Craig decided to go get a job in order to get a new car for a couple of reasons: 1, the truck was a piece of junk and on its last legs. 2, he wanted to impress Ziva. (well maybe 2 should have come first lol) I simply never found a place to fit this chapter in the original book, so consequently poor Craig never got his new car.****

“Has anyone seen Craig?”

Melissa looked up at Ziva. “He’s gone.”

“Gone? Gone where?” She blinked at Melissa.

“Don’ know, just gone.” She shrugged.

“He can’t just be gone, Melissa. People don’t simply disappear!”

“King me!” Melissa shouted at Angela.

Angela scowled and narrowed her eyes at Melissa. “You can’t do that! The pieces only move forward Melissa! You can’t go backward and get to make it a king! It doesn’t work that way. Haven’t you played checkers before?”

Melissa shrugged. “Just with the dogs and they don’t really follow rules, now king me.”

“Melissa, are you listening to me?” Ziva shouted.

“No, not really,” she replied.

“Seriously? You are no help at all! This is like the eighth time in two weeks Craig has just disappeared! I’m starting to get a little suspicious here.”

Melissa waggled her eyebrows at Ziva. “Starting to think American Pie is cheatin’ on ya Ziva?”

“Shut up!” She spun around, stalked out of the room, headed down the hallway, and pushed open the door into Stone and Craig’s room. And immediately regretted not knocking since A’Cadia and Stone were being all kissy face, cuddled together on his bed.

“Could you knock at least?” A’Cadia snarled at her.

“Sorry! I was looking for Craig.”

“As you can see, he isn’t here, now go away.” A’Cadia waved a hand toward the door.

Ziva gave an aggravated sigh and started to turn away, as she did, she noticed that Stone was looking everywhere but at her. Almost as if, he wanted to avoid catching her eye. Almost as if, he knew something and didn’t want to get caught knowing it. She stopped and turned back to face them.

A’Cadia gave aggrieved sort of sigh. “Now what?”

Ziva ignored A’Cadia, focusing instead on Stone. “Stone? Where is Craig?”

Stone’s eyes immediately locked on her face. “Uh, I don’t know. Haven’t seen him.”

“Really. You haven’t seen your roommate all day. Hmm, well that’s kind of odd now isn’t it?”

Stone suddenly looked extremely uncomfortable. “Well, um, I mean I saw him this morning, you know, earlier. But I haven’t seen him, like lately. Now or anything, ’cause I’ve been with A’Cadia. Now. Here.” His words were stilted and he paused a lot as if he were thinking.

Ziva nodded as if she understood. “Right, uh huh. Where is he? Either you tell me or I zap you until you do. Your choice.”

“Now wait just a minute—”

Stone didn’t give A’Cadia a chance to finish, the fear of Ziva zapping him obviously won out over his loyalty to remaining silent and protecting Craig. “He got a job, okay? He wanted to surprise you and save up so he could get a better car and get rid of that crappy pickup truck!”

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