It's All Just A Dream

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Author's note about this chapter- I mentioned a couple of times in the book that Craig's power could put people to sleep and he could also walk in the dreams of those he'd previously put to sleep. This is a chapter I wanted to write where Craig spent a night traipsing through everyone's dreams.

Craig paced around the room. It was late, he couldn't sleep, and he doubted he was going to get to sleep anytime soon.

"Man if you don't stop that soon I'm gonna knock you upside the head," Stone griped from where he was stretched out on his own bed trying to get to sleep.

"Sorry, but I'm not tired. I'm completely wired, there's no way I'm gonna be able to sleep."

Stone rolled to his side and propped his cheek in his palm. "I can fix that; want me to give you a slap upside the noggin'?"

Craig grimaced at him. "No, a slap from you is likely to crack my skull, thanks."

Stone dropped his hand and shrugged before stretching back out. "Suit yourself, but if you keep pacing and don't let me go to sleep, I'll do it anyway."

"Fine, I'll try some meditating." No need to let Stone know he wasn't just going to do some plain old meditating. He actually didn't know how to do that. Truth was, with his power to put people to sleep, he could walk in the dreams of anyone he'd put to sleep. He sent a glance over at Stone and smirked. His roommate had no clue that since he'd come to the school Craig had used his power on him a few times.

Stone had a tendency to snore—loudly. Craig had used his power to put people to sleep on Stone in order to put him into a deeper sleep a couple of times to stop the racket so he could get some sleep himself.

Craig lay down on his own bed and tried to relax, took a few deep breathes and cleared his mind, concentrating carefully on those in the house that he'd used his power on in the past. It didn't take him long to slip into a slight trance.

He blinked and looked around with a slight frown.

He was surrounded by rolling hills of chocolate, topped by whipped cream. Candy cane trees with gumdrop pinecones. An animal cracker elephant went plodding by. In the distance a clear river of God only knew what trickled slowly over rock candy, well, rocks.

"Must be Melissa," he mumbled as he did a slow turn. And as he spoke, Melissa came twirling by, singing something about gumdrops and rainbows.

"Oh hey Craig! What are you doing here?"

"Couldn't sleep, thought I'd do some dream walking."

She reached down and scooped up what appeared to be a lollipop. "Hey you want a lollipop?" She held the struggling sucker out to him.

He recoiled from it as he realized it had not only arms and legs, but eyes as well. It was struggling wildly in an attempt to get away. "Uh, no thanks I'm good."

She shrugged and took a bite out the thing before tossing it over her shoulder. "Your loss. See ya later!" She went dancing off.

Craig gave his head a shake and turned away. Melissa's dreams were always weird. He wondered where he'd end up next. Whistling, he wandered off and out of Melissa's sugar filled dream world.

Things shimmered and changed he walked into the wings of what appeared to be Carnegie Hall.  A woman smiled at him and shoved him out on stage. He looked around frantically when he realized he was dressed as a male ballet dancer.

"What in the hell?" he mumbled.

"Oh hey Craig, what are you doing here? Not that I'm not happy to see you, I need someone to do the lift! Like now!" Angela said, smiling at the packed crowd in the theater.

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