"No fair! You tricked me!" He protested, nicking my bottle and taking a long drink.

"Soo...what's your point?" I said taking my bottle back and downing the rest of it.

"You know that was an indirect kiss right?" he said.

"Ewwww Cole cooties."

"What are you. Five?"he asked amused.

"Hey. You're the one that brought it up." I retorted. "Ain't that right Sparky?" I added on the end just to annoy him.

He groaned again. "How the hell can something be so cute but so seriously annoying?" He muttered under his breath. He didn't intend for me to hear, but I did and it set my heart racing. To cover up the blush to my cheeks, I quickly went to choose a ball and threw it again. It again bounced off the side railing.

I turned back. Cole was sitting there, both eyebrows raised.


"Nothing..." then he let out a laugh. "You just really can't bowl."

"Meanie." I hit his arm but my arm rebounded and almost hit me in the face!

"Oh I think you're phone went off. The whole bench started vibrating."

"Oh I bet you liked that didn't you." I said teasingly.

"Hell yeah." He said flashing his 250 kilowatt smile before passing me.

I laughed and fished out my phone from my bag. It was blinking in indication of a message.

Where the hell are you? M x.  It was from Madison.

I didn't feel very well so I went home x. I text back...yeah she'll buy that, I hope.

Oh okay. I thought you might've been abducted by the devil. M x

Who?? X.   What was she on about?

You know, Cole. M x

Oh...nah he was just sent to give me my phone. X

You still coming over later? M x

Yeah, should be feeling better by then x  I lied. I think I'm coming in for cheerleading practice anyway...just needed some rest. Didn't get much sleep last night x

Okay, see you then hun, M x

I chucked my phone back in my bag. Jeesh she was hard work.

After 10 minutes more bowling we finally finished the game. Cole won. He deserved it really, I think he was just trying to be a gentleman the first game and let me win.

We made our way back to the front desk joking around. The desk guy was still their looking bored. He looked up hopefully as we approached but shrunk back as he saw Cole.

"Ready to be my girlfriend again?" Cole whispered in my ear making me shiver slightly.

I nodded, the sugar was still in my system and was making me lightheaded.

He grabbed my hand and tugged me over. Whoaa déjà vu.

"Can we get our shoes back mate?" he said to the desk guy who was nodding like one of those dogs that you can get to put in your car.

I took the clown shoes off and gave them to the guy who walked off mutely to get my boots.

All of a sudden I felt arms around me pulling me closer to a warm, firm body. Then Cole's face infront of mine. "Close your eyes." He whispered. I did as he told and next minute felt soft pressure on my lips. Oh my God what was he doing?

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