I shook my head. “No, Alberta and I figured something else out. Since Dimitri is going to be your guardian, or, well, is your guardian, and I need to get used to him, and all men in general, he's going to be my mentor, teaching me and helping me get rid of this phobia.” I didn't mention the fact that it appeared I was already comfortable with him. It seemed like I was going to jinx it if I said it out loud.

Lissa continued looking at me doubtfully. Are you sure that's what you want, Rose? She asked through the bond.

I nodded, then smirked. “Besides, he's hot,” I said, breaking the tension that had fallen on the room.

Lissa rolled her eyes, but smiled at me. “Who is is, anyway?” she asked.

I grinned. “Dimitri Belikov. Anyway, let's go to breakfast, we're hungry,” I said, rubbing my tummy.

Lissa nodded, her eyes softening. “Of course, let's go.” And with that, we left to go to breakfast.


After my very interesting lesson with Rose, I decided to get a quick breakfast, then go to the cafeteria to stand guard. I would be lying if I said that my decision to watch the commons during breakfast was purely me being a good Samaritan, and had nothing to do with Rose. To be honest, I wanted to see how Rose interacted with others, and how I could reach out to her to be a better teacher, and help her get over her fear. I ate a quick breakfast, and headed down to the commons from the guardian housing.

When I walked into the room, it was mostly empty with a few early risers. As time passed, more people came down. I had been standing guard for about 20 minutes when Rose finally showed up with a couple of her friends. She was walking arm in arm with a blonde Moroi, who I assumed was the Princess. A dark haired boy I knew to be my friend Tasha Ozera's nephew, Christian Ozera, trailed after them, about five feet away. I figured that that was how far away all guys were around Rose after this morning. As I watched, Rose and Vasilisa went over to an empty table by the windows, while Christian, who was now joined by two novices, a red head, and a brown haired one, went to the line, to get food for the three of them, I assumed.

I looked back toward Rose and Vasilisa and noticed that a blonde Moroi with curly hair had joined them. (A/N: Mia is going to be their friend b/c her mom was raped too, and she felt compassionate toward Rose. They're just sort of friends.)

The girl sat on the other side of Rose. Then another female novice came over and sat in front of Rose. I was puzzled for a moment, trying to figure out why they were sitting like that, until the guys came back bearing armloads of food, and sat by the girls, successfully staying about four feet way from Rose. Then I got it. They had created a wall of girls around Rose so that she felt safe. I smiled slightly at the ingenious of this.

I strolled over to their table casually, watching for danger. Finally, I got within earshot of them, and stood against the wall, pretending to watch the commons, while really listening in on their conversation.

“So, Rose, who's your new mentor?” the novice girl asked.

“Dimitri Belikov,” Rose said casually. “Why, Meredith, jealous you don't have one?”

Meredith snorted. “Yeah, right. Get up at the crack of dawn, get my ass kicked, go to breakfast, suffer more classes, then go back? No thank you, I enjoy my sleep and free time too much.”

Rose snorted. “First off, it's not the crack of dawn, more like sunset. And second, if you were at all serious about becoming a guardian, you would try to get as much training in as possible.” Rose said, surprisingly serious.

Apparently this was even more out of character than I had thought because everybody was looking at her like she had three heads.

“Yeah, serious. Says the pregnant one,” Meredith sneered.

Rose glared at her, and opened her mouth. Vasilisa put a calming hand on Rose's arm and stared at her intently. I didn't think that that would stop Rose from snapping at Meredith, and started toward their table to defuse any fight that might break out, but to my surprise, Rose simple lifted a shoulder, and went back to her food. Lissa let go of her arm, and an awkward silence fell on the table.

“So Rose,” the red headed guy said, trying to change the subject. “Does this mean that you're going to actually be part of the combat classes, or are you going to do your Christmas tree thing, by being angry and jealous?” he asked jokingly.

Rose gave him a half smile. “I don't know, it's up to Dimitri.”

“Who?” the guy asked.

“My mentor, remember? I just told you this like 5 minutes ago. Jeez Mase, get your mind away from my naked body and pay attention,” she joked. Or at least I hoped so.

The guy, Mase, smiled cockily. “Sorry, Rose, you're just so hot I can't help but think about you naked.”

Rose simply rolled her eyes, but my fists clench at his casual words. You have no right thinking about her like that! I wanted to scream at him. She's not a piece of meat for you to stare at! You have no respect! I wanted to teach him some respect. By ripping his eyes out so that he can never ogle at Rose again. Then rip his tongue out so –

Whoa! Where did that come from? I was shocked. He's just a guy, I assured myself. Besides, it's not like he had a chance with Rose, not now, not in her state of mind. He would never have a chance with Rose, even if –

I cut my thoughts off again. What was the matter with me? Why was I thinking these thoughts? I didn't –

“Hey Comrade!” Rose's voice interrupted my thoughts. That seemed to be happening a lot lately. I looked up to see her looking at me. I was puzzled. I had been sure she had said 'comrade'....

Rose grinned. “He lives!” she mock cheered.

I raised my eyebrow. “Comrade?” I asked.

She shrugged, still smiling. “So, are you going to train me during class, or do I get to sit out like every other day?” she asked.

I nodded. “Yes, I’m going to train you during lessons, so make sure that you change.”

 She nodded. “Cool,” Then she turned back to her breakfast, and I left the room, going to Guardian Alto's room instead, since it was Rose's first class. 

Never Too Late: A VA FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz