Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

*Adam's POV*

Everyone else had returned back to school and for them it seemed like life had stared to move regularly again. They were able to make jokes. Sit down together and eat food. Mom even seemed to be coming out of her depression. Zoey's older sister had found out she was pregnant, and Mom had been gradually parting with some of the unopened boxes and clothes that still had the tags on them. She had been expecting a girl, but Zoey's sister wasn't sure yet if it would be a boy or girl.

Josh alternated between staying at his home and in our guest room. After a month of him coming back and form we cleaned out and remodeled Henry's house. It would be a guest house for anyone needing a place to stay, but for the time being it was remodeled with Josh in mind. I knew she was still out there. I could feel the tugging in my chest, but it didn't matter which way I ran I couldn't feel closer or farther away.

When it came to physical tracking a wolf pack would be the easy winner between us and the police, but now it would come down to investigation and forensic work. I was thankful we got the police involved early on, but I prayed we could find her sooner rather than later.

I had transferred my schoolwork to home and was just trying to get my GED so I could only focus on finding her.

I heard a knock at the door and sat my laptop on the coffee table. I didn't bother pausing the television because I wasn't watching it anyway. I pulled open the door and Josh stood on the other side.

"Hey man. Shouldn't you be at school or something?" He nodded and stepped inside making himself at home.

"I got a call from Trinity, Lily's mom. She's in the hospital and wants to see you." Guilt settled in my stomach. I should have felt bad that her mother was in the hospital. I didn't know why she was there or her condition, but I didn't feel bad for her. I felt guilty for not feeling sorry for her. If I had said that out loud my mother would have chastised me. Lily would have been worried sick about her mother, but part of me was pleased.

I shoved my shoes on and pulled the leg of my jeans up slightly to prevent them from sticking into my shoes then shook it back down. I didn't bother with a jacket even though the weather was starting to turn cold. We both climbed into Josh's little car. He flipped the heat on and began to drive into town. The window fogged slightly, and he flipped the windshield wipers on, but when that didn't help, he split the heat between the car vents and defrosting vents.

They deserve this. It was wrong of me to think it, but I couldn't think anything else. When it came down to it Thomas didn't step up when my mate was gone. When I felt like I was going to lose the one person who was put on this Earth for me, he stood by. Never reached out. I understood that it wasn't safe for the pack for them to join the search, but he could at least call. I assumed Josh had been giving them updates, but it still made me furious that I don't think he even had my phone number.

I still hadn't figured out if I would tell Lily about what I perceived as the betrayal. Sometimes I imagined her coming home and me telling her everything. Other times I imagined holding it inside me for the rest of our lives. I wasn't sure which scenario brought me more satisfaction. If I was honest the answer was neither.

Josh pulled into the parking lot and climbed out of the car. "Are you going to give me any warning as to what I am walking in on?"

"Took you long enough to ask." Josh turned around and smirked. We were around each other pretty much all the time. I had started to see him almost more than Noah. Noah helped us search. He never stopped being there for me, but he didn't understand. He went home to Zoey. He needed to be there to have dinner with her. Go on dates with her. Begin their lives together. Josh and I were frozen in time. Most of the time we didn't speak. We didn't need to most of the time. What would we say? It would only be about her.

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