Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

I positioned myself at the front of the group with Harmony allowing Noah to take lead of my section. Harmony flanked me pushing her nose to the ground. She huffed moving loose dirt around her face and kicking up fresh scent. After we were a mile or so away Noah's group would follow our tracks then Rowland would follow that group.

Two miles from the pond Harmony hunched down into a defensive position again. I stepped in front of her allowing the rest of our group to swallow her back in the middle for her own protection. Another wolf sprawled underneath a tree. As I moved closer, I realized that this wolf had opened eyes. His body was pointed one direction, but his head was twisted backwards. The eyes were glossed over, and a limp tongue hung from his mouth.

I sent a message back to the others informing them we were on the right track and not to be alarmed before urging my group forward. Harmony glanced the other way a few times and wrinkled her nose but continued on. At this point I was just as capable of leading us back to where Lily had been held captive, but I wanted Harmony here in case Henry ran. I wasn't going to let him get away again.

Eventually we came to a tall thick fence with an opening for a driveway. I could see the bits of blood that upon further inspection were definitely Lily's. I couldn't help the growl that escaped me. My claws dug into the dirt, and I shut my eyes for a few seconds. It would take everything I had not to run into this enclosure without a second thought, but that wasn't what an Alpha did.

I backed into the tree line again forcing the others back as well. Pressing my body against a tree, I shifted into my human form so that I could communicate with the group at one time.

"Harmony and Cane stay out here. When the others come, they will follow us in." Harmony shook her head and grumbled. "There's no reason for me to take you into a fight. Stay here and if you see Henry run then you chase him. As long as you're on his trail I can track you." She nodded and trotted behind a group of bushes and trees. Cane followed while I directed three more of the group to stay with them.

I shifted back into wolf form as Noah trotted up to our group. We formed one group and walked onto the property. It was so quiet and almost peaceful. Birds were chirping from trees that surrounded the back end of the property. We had passed the hottest part of the day and it was starting to cool down sending small breezes through the air.

I glanced at Noah. 'Why is it so quiet?'

We were all weary, but as soon as we walked a few feet into the fence we saw why it was so quiet. A wolf laid on the the ground. It's paws were sucked into the earth forcing the wolf into a flat starfish position. As we approached the birds that had been feeding on it flew in all directions squawking angrily. The body had gouges all over it with only one eye still hanging by its socket. It was clear that the wolf died by having its throat ripped out.

Rowland's group walked through the entrance and glanced at the wolf in front of us.

'There are three buildings on the property. Rowland take yours to the house and search it. Noah stay with me, but the rest of you go to the far side of the property. It looks like there's a small house over there. Noah and I are going to follow the trail on the wall to the small building against the fence at the back.'

Everyone nodded and split their different directions. Noah walked behind me as we made our way to the end of the blood trail. The door hung open allowing rats to crawl in and out in droves. Ants began creeping their way up our legs and stinging.

As soon as we breached the entryway the smell hit us like a ton of bricks. My eyes watered and Noah started gagging. The space was small and dark with only one window and the doorway putting light into the building. The hard cement floor was cold against my paws and the sound of our nails scratching the ground gave a faint echo throughout.

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