chapter 6

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I walked out of my closet in my non-negotiable outfit. Harmony dropped her face into her hands and groaned loudly.

"You cannot go on a first date dressed like that Lily. You've got to be kidding me." I glanced down at my outfit. I was wearing jean shorts with a frayed hem that wrapped around mid-thigh. I pulled the long black sleeves further down my hands, so they almost completely covered my thumbs. The neckline was a gentle V-neck with a small silver necklace that had a small moon symbol hanging from the chain. It felt fitting.

"Yes, I can. He texted me and said to go comfortable and casual. It still looks nice, though right?" Harmony shrugged and sighed.

"I guess it's you for sure. At least let me do your hair and makeup to my standards okay?" I sat in the chair in front of my vanity. I was suddenly self-conscious and contemplated changing my shorts into some jeans or anything that Harmony might deem more acceptable. She began twisting the warm curling wand into my hair. She would pick up some big pieces then smaller ones shaking the larger ones out as she went. After every piece was curled into a delicate loose curl, she began laying out her makeup tools. I was never one to wear makeup, but she loved to cake it on. I closed my eyes letting her work her magic and tried to find Adam's energy.

I could feel a faint tugging in my body and a warmth that started in my chest and spread down into my stomach.

"Will you sit still." I had not even realized I was moving in the direction of the energy and I had to open my eyes to snap out of it. Harmony was brushing on a faint layer of blush. She stepped back and admired her work then nodded approving. I had more of a BB cream than a true foundation. The slightest bronze surrounded my face bringing back my natural color. My eyes had the slightest cat eye eyeliner with a light grey and white eyeshadow look. I reached out and touched her hand.

"Thank you. It's perfect." She gave me a quick hug and shoved everything back in her bags.

"You know you're always welcome. Now you have a date in approximately ten minutes, and I have some plans with Cane before my parents get back home from their date." She gave me a wink and walked out of my room. I heard the downstairs front door open and words fill the living room. It was in that moment my life flashed before my eyes. Not only were my parents' home, they brought John and Abby along with them.

I clambered my way down the stairs ready to lay some ground rules on how to act when Adam arrived but before I could open my mouth there was a knock at the door. By the uncontrollable blush that was settling its way into my cheeks, we all knew who was at the door.

Dad put his hands up and walked to the door. His shoulders were back, and I could see the full alpha energy radiating from his body. I hoped Adam's alpha instincts would not take the energy as a challenge. When I met John's eyes his devilish smirk told me that he kind of hoped it would happen, but when dad opened the door Adam stood in front of him. His eyes widened at first and I could feel his alpha fighting through our bond. He dipped his head into a small bow showing his respect towards my dad then stuck out his hand to shake it. Dad laughed and pulled him into a big hug. He almost tripped over the door frame as Dad pulled him inside. As soon as Dad released him his eyes landed on me for a second then he tore his eyes away and stepped to John. He performed the same action to John then took Abby's hand in between two of his. "It's so nice to meet you." His eyes went around the room meeting each one of their eyes. "All of you."

As soon as the words left his mouth Mom huffed and almost slammed the two glasses of lemonade on the counter. "Well you haven't met everyone!" Her hands fell to her hips and she stuck one of them out. I could not tell if she was kidding or pregnancy hormones were already getting the best of her.

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