Chapter 39

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*Lily's POV*

I couldn't help but feel awkward as Adam's mom brushed through the mats in my hair. I winced and put my hand over my mouth. My teeth pressed into my finger as I tried my hardest to stay still. Every time I jerked, she apologized profusely.

"I'm so sorry dear. I promise I'm not trying to torture you." Her words were slightly ironic given the circumstances. This was painful but nothing close to torture.

"How much more?"

"Almost there. I just need to do enough for the scalp medication to sink in. We'll comb out the rest over time."

I pressed my chin against my chest as she worked the brush further down my hair brushing out any small knots before they could tangle into the big ones. Since I had been kidnapped my hair had grown long and heavy. I was intrigued to see how long it would be once all the knots made it lay flat again.

I relaxed my shoulders when Everleigh finally placed the brush into the trash can. She began to word the shampoo into my hair gently pushing my hand away whenever I reached up to scratch.

"I know it must be miserable, but the itching should go away in a few days."

She scooted back and stood up from the wooden chair she dragged into the bathroom. I already sat in the empty bathtub clinging onto Adam's shirt. The rest of my clothes were taken away to be disposed of. I knew this one would be next.

She turned the water on while keeping the drain open. The cold water splashed slightly at my knees, but I didn't flinch away. Before I knew it the water was crawling up the bathtub to kiss my feet and knees. Everleigh made no mention of the unnatural water direction and slid my hair into a shower cap.

Once the water temperature was to her satisfaction, she closed the drain and let the water start to fill up.

"It will probably take a few tubs full then you can do a rinse in the shower for your hair. The prescription has to sit for ten minutes before we can wash it out. I can sit here if you'd like so you're not alone. I'll turn the other way so I can't see a thing."

I reluctantly nodded and took the handful of washcloths from her hand. The bath water was already starting to turn a murky brown and I hadn't even started washing. Everleigh turned the chair before positioning the shower curtain to give me even more privacy.

The bathroom connected the master bedroom to a large walk-in closet. My eyes were still not accustomed to bright lights, so we turned the main bathroom lights off only using the closet light to illuminate the room. With the curtain drawn the tub was almost too dark.

I pulled Adam's shirt off and felt a pang of guilt as I put it in the trash. Even though I would have much rather been in the bathroom with my own mother, his wasn't so bad. I was thankful to not be alone, and her constant chatter helped keep my thoughts focused on the moment.

I dipped one of the washcloths in the water then squirted some soap on it. I scrubbed my arm until the irritated red skin started to show through the grime. After finishing both arms, I moved on to my torso. My stomach turned when I looked at the state of my body for the first time. My ribs and pelvic bones both stuck out from my skin. My stomach shrank in making me look more skeleton than alive.

I swallowed hard and focused on Everleigh's words as I watched tiny bugs drown in the water.

"You'll love it. I just know it." I had no idea what I would love, but she said it with such enthusiasm that she must be right. "I am so glad these closets turned out the right size. A Luna will need a full wardrobe. I told Adam that. He could have half the closet downstairs and then you could have that half for your regular clothes and this closet for your more formal wear."

It was nice not to have to continue my half of the conversation. She rambled on bouncing from topic to topic without a word from me.

I drained the brown water and turned the water on again letting the tub fill up. I spent the next few minutes scrubbing at the grime on my legs. Blisters had turned into calluses from the soiled clothes rubbing between my thighs.

I winced as used a fresh washcloth to clean them. Once my ankles and toes were free of dirt, I called out to Everleigh so we could finish cleaning my hair. She reached around the curtain handing me a full plush towel.

"If you want you can put that over the front of your body."

I repositioned and did as she said draining the second tub of water. I leaned my head back as she scooped cup after cup of water. More dirt washed out of my hair along with the dead bugs that had been causing me so much discomfort. Guiding me to sit up straight she used the last washcloth to gently wipe away the dirt and dried blood from my back. I could feel her heart beating hard while she tried to stifle her sniffs. When she finished, I turned around to see her face splotchy and eyes rimmed with red. Her hand gently cupped my face.

"I know that you don't know me yet, but I want you to know how thankful I am to have you here." 

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