Parent Project- High School! Dean

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Your jaw dropped.

Dean Winchester?

He paid no attention in class. He was always late, and even though you were a hunter, you believed in getting good grades more than he did. Sure he was cute and athletic, but you would probably fail with him.

The bell rang and each pair of parents went up and got a carrier with their 'baby' in it.

"Do you want me to take the first shift or-" Dean looked at you awkwardly.

"Nah, I got it." You groaned, switching the carrier carefully to your other hand. You slid on the wristband that the baby's sensor would pick up and started walking to your next class, biology.

Throughout the rest of the day, you had to deal with being a parent. Your baby would start crying in the middle of the class and you had to figure out whether to 'feed' it or 'change' it.

After what seemed to be a long day, you were walking back to your motel with some friends.

"What's her name?" One of your friends, Alexis, asked you.

"Haven't decided yet. I was going to see what Dean preferred."

"Your partner is Dean?" Alexis scoffed. "I feel for you." She shifted her own baby carrier in her hand.

"What about your baby, what's her name?"

"I was thinking Madison." She answered. "I have to go." Alexis pointed to a house down the street. "See you tomorrow."

You continued walking for awhile when you heard you name being shouted behind you, turning you saw Dean.

"Hey." You greeted.

"Hi." He fell into step beside you. "How is the baby?"

You rolled your eyes.

"Forgive me for trying to make conversation." He scoffed. "Have you thought of a name?"

"I was waiting for you to decide." You admitted.

You walked in silence for a bit, both pondering names.

"I'm thinking Justice." He finally spoke. He then blushed, "Only 'cause if I ever had a daughter, that's what I'd name her."

"I like it." You agreed.

At that moment a cry pierced the air.

"Shoot." You groaned, setting the carrier down and picking up Justice. You rocked the baby and Dean suppressed a smile. "Having fun, Winchester?" You remarked.

"No, no. Let me-" He reached over and carefully picked up the baby, immediately she quieted. You gaped.

"What- how? It's a robot, but it never does that to me!"

"Magic touch." He smirked. "Maybe you were holding her wrong."

"I was holding her exactly like you!" You protested, picking up the carrier and continuing to walk with Dean at your side.

You both walked into the motel parking lot. Dean gestured to a room that was right next to yours.

"This is me."

"And that's me." You pointed to the next room. Dean handed Justice back to you.

"If you need any help, just knock." He went into his room and you went into yours.

It was about midnight and you were just starting to doze off when a loud shriek sounded from the bed next to you.

You groaned, getting up and picking up Justice.

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