Chapter 18

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I got up and walked downstairs. I sat on the couch. Then I heard Destiny laugh and a lot of stomping. I saw Destiny running into the kitchen while seeing Jeff not very far behind. I laughed.

She came back and sat next to me. "He would of killed me if it wasn't for me accidentally tripping over something and landing on one side of the table which made the table uneven so the other side of the table flipped and apparently Sally was eating waffles with syrup with powered sugar.... it went allllllllll... over him...." We both laughed.

I couldn't take it anymore so I decided to go outside. I couldn't go for a walk but I can just sit on the ground and mess with the fall leaves. I walked outside like an old woman and flopped down. I started to throw the leaves up and they would flow down. *giggles* I heard small footsteps and I looked around to see Sally. I giggled and pulled her into my lap. I tickled her*small little cute kid giggles* her giggles we so cute so it made me laugh. She pulled away from me and sat down. I grabbed some leaves and threw them at her. She laughed and threw some at me. We did this for a while until we ran out of leaves... I looked around and saw a hill. I got up and walked over to it and sat down she did the same. "Watch this!" I got down and rolled down the hill while laughing. She did the same. I stayed laying down and watched the sky. I looked over to Sally and saw she was asleep so I chuckled and sat up.

Masky's Pov

I saw them playing outside and I couldn't help but laugh. Destiny came up behind me. She chuckled. "You know she would be a better mother than me haha!" I looked at her confused. She put a finger up to her lips. "Shhhh... Toby doesn't know yet..." I laughed. "How are you goin to tell him?" "I don't know yet..." I chuckled and looked back at (y/n). "How many times have you guys done it?" She laughed "Ummmmmmm.... a couple times...." I shook my head. "Wow... you guys only knew each other for a month..." "Oh shutup asshole!" I laughed while she stormed away. I walked outside to to (y/n) and took Sally from her. I grabbed (y/n)'s hand so I can help her up. We both walked inside and i went upstairs to put Sally up. I came down and saw Slenderman by the door with everyone even Destiny. "Masky we are goin on a hunt and teaching Destiny. (y/n) is too weak to start yet so stay with her tonight so nothing bad happens." I nodded and they left. "This night is goin to be one hell of a night"

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