Chapter 6

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I am following EJ while talking to Destiny. "Then he fell into horseshit! Hahaha!" I cracked up at Destiny how she was telling me a story she has heard. EJ went up to the door and opened it. "This is Destiny's and the door right across the hall is (y/n)'s" I nodded and looked into my room. It had a really soft looking bed and a nice dresser. It also had a bathroom and a small closet. I ran up to the dresser and climbed up. "What are you doing?" I looked at EJ. "You will find out... hahaha" I jumped on the bed and rolled over. "Have you never done that before?" "Noo..." "You should but not right now I got to go eat! I am starving!" He chuckled. "Just go down stairs over here and take a right and you should be able to find it from there" "okay!" I ran over to Destiny. "Let's go eat!" She nodded and we ran downstairs and went to a room which looked like a living room. There was three people in there. One guy with a white jacket and a huge smile. The other with a long pointy nose and the other playing games. He looks like link but with red eyes. Destiny looked straight at the kid playing games. "You!" "No! Not you again!" I laughed at both of them and walked over to the couch that the two guys were sitting on and sat right in the middle. *sigh* the guy with the smile looked at me. "Who are you?" "A person with a name..." "okay... but really who are you?" "Geez I know I am famous you don't have to hide it" the one with the pointy nose laughed. "Really?! Who the fuck are you!!!" "Well... I would tell you but I have important stuff to do... you know famous stuff." I got up and saw the door to the kitchen. "Found it!" "The one playing games said. "What?" "The kitchen... the one who is more famous than me" I ran to the kitchen with Destiny laughing up a storm behind me.

I walked in there and looked in the fridge to find cheesecake and something in jars. "CHEESECAKE!!" I grabbed a piece and started to eat it. "So good..." I ate the last piece when Destiny got done making waffles. WAFF-" "There's waffles?" We saw a guy with goggles in the door way. "Yeah... you want some?" "HELL YEAH!" She giggled and gave him a piece. He sat down and ate that in a sec. "Damn..." "can I have more?" "Fine but only 2 more" "good enough!" She put 2 more on his plate and he shoved it down his throat. "Well then..." He looked at me and noticed I had some cheesecake. "Ohhhhhh... Masky is goin to be piss-" we heard from the other room. "Hey where's Toby? I really don't wanna see him today?" I slowly got up and threw away everything I used and washed my dishes. I saw Masky walk in and faceplam after seeing Toby. He walked over to the fridge and froze...

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