Chapter two

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Ashlyns POV

I kept looking at her to see if that is her and it was...flipped out. I went up to her and asked to take a picture and she accepted. "Are you going to the meet & greet tonight?" She asked I nodded because I was to nervous to say anything. "We should hangout there" she said "yeah sounds fun!" I said "Are you a fan of Caleb by any chance?" She asked
"Yeah I'm a fan of the whole family but mostly Caleb I said "yeah I can tell, I really like that shirt" she said "thanks I had it made online" I said "wow" she said taking a picture of it.

"your pretty and cute he might like you if you guys hit it off" she said my eyes went wide "really?" I asked "yeah!" She said "come on we can go now if you want" she said "well um my mom is on her way I can ask" I said and turned around seeing my mom standing in the door way and I ran to her "Mom! My new friend Mary-Kate who is the brataley family's cousin asked me if I wanted to ride with them to the meet up" I said She looked at Mary-Kate and then back at me. "Alright" she said I jumped up and down and hugged her walking back over to Mary-Kate. "I can go!" I said "awesome!" She said jumping. After we left the restaurant we headed to the meet and greet. The whole entire ride there I was shaking. "Are you okay Ashlyn Your shaking" She asked looking at me. "Yeah I'm fine, totally fine" I said "positive?" She asked "no, I'm nervous to meet Caleb" I said smiling "Don't be, he's a cool kid" she said

"Okay, yeah I'm fine just fine" I said "BREATHE" Mary-Kate said "Okay okay!" I said when we arrived we got out of the car and I fell down to my knees in tears because I actually was about to meet Caleb. "Hey you okay?" She asked coming down to my level. "Yeah" I said whipping my tears away. She put her arm around me and we walked to the tent. I got a text right when I was walking there and it was from my internet friend Summer. "turn around" it read and I did and I saw her running towards me. "SUMMER" I said and ran to her we both fell to the ground and stayed there hugging each other screaming. "YOU ARE A REAL PERSON" she said "I KNOW SO ARE YOU" I yelled. As we walked up to Caleb after he took the picture with some group of girls he cane up to me. "Hey what's your name?" He asked I looked at Mary-Kate and she said "This is Ashlyn" she said and winked to me. "Want to take a picture together?" He asked "sure" I said and he got out his phone surprisingly and so did I. First I took it on mine and his dad took it for us. "Thank you Billy" I said Caleb looked at me "you know my dads name?" He asked "yeah! I watch your videos" I said laughing "duh I knew that" he said laughing. Then Caleb put his phone away from our faces and took a selfie. After the picture I got my shirt signed by him he really liked it and actually wanted it, then I met his sisters Haley and Annie, we took selfies and then I took pictures with his parents. When I was done taking pictures with the parents Caleb pulled me aside and said "Would you want to be friends?" He asked and I couldn't help it but smile "Yes I would love that" I said and took his number and put it in my phone.

"Text me so I can get yours" he said I nodded and texted him. Caleb❤️ "hey it's Ashlyn" I typed and he took his phone out and texted back. I screamed in my head.
He smiled at me then asked his mom something. He came back over with an answer. "How far away do you live from here?" He asked "just about an hour away" I said he looked at his mom and she nodded. "Want to hangout after this?" I said yes and Caleb's mom and mine talked about it and said yes. "I'll see you after" he said winking I winked back and they went somewhere.

I turned around and looked at Summer and Mary-Kate "that did not just happen" I said and Mary-Kate came over and put her arm around me. "But it did" she said and I squealed then both the girls and I went to the stage because the family was going to talk to the fans. During Q&A one fan asked Caleb.."do you have a girlfriend?" He answered and looked at me and smiled. Mary-Kate and Summer both turned to me but I sunk down in my seat. "Nope I'm a single pringle" he said and everyone laughed I decided to raise my hand and right away and Billy called on me. "Caleb, Would you ever date a fan?" I asked he looked down and smiled "Yes yes I would" he said and everyone screamed then Mary-Kate nudged my arm hinting me that Caleb likes me, I nodded accepting it.

After the show I met back up with Caleb. "So where to?" I asked as we all were walking to the cars. "Our house" my mom said and my mouth dropped. "Are you saying that?" I asked and she nodded and I hugged Caleb squealing. "Someone's happy" Miss Katie said and they all laughed. When we got to my house Caleb and I plopped ourselves on my bed. "Nice room" he said I laughed "thanks I'm sorry if it creeps you out in any way" I said "nah it's all good" he said sitting next to me. "So" he said "so" I repeated. "I have a question" he said "Sure ask away." "remember how you asked if I ever would date a fan?" He asked and my cheeks got read "yeah" I said "Even though we just met, I feel like I've known you for a long time" he said and I started shaking "I feel the same" I said "I think your cute" he said and I blushed "really?" I said smiling looking down "really" he said and I hugged him. "Your cute too" I said and he laughed "Ashlyn! Caleb! Lunch time!" I heard Miss Katie say. "Coming!" We both said and ran downstairs like it was a race.

Everyone was sitting at the table and Mary-Kate was doing her creepy eyebrow thing. She did that to me as she saw Caleb grab my hand under the table when no one was looking. We intertwined and my heart started beating so fast. "What's for lunch?" I asked and Miss Katie said "Pizza" holding "Mmmmmm my favorite" Caleb said and I smirked and he smirked back. I saw Annie look under the table and back up at me and smiled. After lunch they stayed for a couple more hours, I'm not ready to let them go yet but when the kids and I were having movie night Miss Katie and my mom came in the room.

"Yeah?" I asked still holding Caleb's hand under the blanket. "We have a confession" Miss Katie said and Caleb and I looked at each other confused then back at our moms. "What?" Annie asked "We are not going home tonight" she said "Aweeee" Haley said where are we stayin?" Annie asked and Miss Katie hesitated. "Here" she said and my mouth dropped. "Are you serious?" I asked and Calebs smile got even bigger. "Yes I'm serious" there mom said and we all cheered. "Where does everyone sleep?" I asked nervously "well Caleb gets the guest room with daddy, I get the living room with Annie and Haley and Mary-Kate has to go home" she said "Awe!" I said going over to hug Mary-Kate. "I'll see you soon" she said hugging back.

After another ten minutes we said goodbye to Mary-Kate. "Bye!" She said waving out the window we all waved and went back inside.
It was 11:15 at night Annie and Haley are in bed while my mom and Miss Katie, my dad and Billy are still talking in the family room. Caleb and I went into my room and watched a movie on my big queen bed. We both got blankets and pillows. "What if we fall asleep?" He asks "I guess our moms will have to wake one of us up" I said it went quiet for a minute while the movie started. I put my head on his shoulder and grabbed his hand and we intertwined. He then kissed my head and put his head on my head. "Best friends?" He asks in a whisper voice "Best friends" I whispered back and closed my eyes.


Hey guys! So I really wanted to make a Caleb Brataley fanfic so here it is! Caleb had made a big impact on my life and he's my inspiration. I miss him so much but he will never be forgotten👼🏻❤️🆑❤️

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