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The Dreamer P.O.V

"No, no please Baby don't die on me yet" I yelled at my TARDIS, you see, at this moment, I am crashing towards a giant field.

      I swinging around the controls and pushing buttons at the same time.

     "Not today baby,we are going to make out of this" I yelled out towards the TARDIS. I pulled the last lever and the TARDIS stablized.

     " I think it's time for a pit stop don't you" I asked the TARDIS.

    She rumbled in approval, So I stop us in my favorite time period on Earth. Paris, France 1854. But let's hope I don't run into The Queen of France, I owe her a purple dress.

     I walked out off my TARDIS with my sonic pen with me. I walked into a baker and saw someone I never wanted to see.

The Dreamer of Gallifrey (A Doctor/oc)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang