Chapter 1

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The Dreamer P.O.V

    Ohh no it's Queen Mary, and I don't have a purple dress near me at the time. Walking backwards, I kept my eyes on her, but oddly enough to her attention was focus on something or someone else.

     Taking the chances to get away, I ran over to my TARDIS ( The Cover picture) and clicked my fingers to open my baby's doors.

    "Rummmmmm," The TARDIS went sensing somthing was wrong.

    " I almost ran into Queen Mary again,"  I told my baby.

    The TARDIS was soon laughing at me at me. By laughing at me she was sending color lights everywhere and was vibrating a little bit.

     " Oh shut up, let's get out of here," I scolded my baby.

    I was doing my usual dance like thing around the panels hitting the buttons and was about to pull the last lever when I heard a knock.

    " Ohhhh no that good," I mumbled to myself.

    I walked over to the doors and through the peep hole to see a strange dude standing outside. Thinking he would go away I went back to pulling my levers and pushing my buttons.

     " KNOCK KNOCK" I heard again disturbing me out of my trance.

     Starting to get annoyed I walked all the way over to the door and opened it up.

     " Yes, how may I help you" I asked gritting through my teeth.

     " I was telling you that you are need in Royal Court, order by Queen Mary herself." The Fool told me.

    Argh lets just get this over with.

   " Give me a second I have to get dressed and get Mary her that dress I owe her," I sighted as I closed the door and walked over to my closet.

     Pulling on my dress and grabbing hers, I walked back over to the door and The Fool was waiting patiently outside.

     " Ready to go," The Fools said.

     " Yes, let's get this over with," I sight and walked right beside him.

TIME SKIP 🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕

     We finally arrived at Queen Mary's castle, and boy that was a longggggg walk.

     I walked in and the Fool traveled right behind me. We soon enter the castle and there stood Queen Mary herself, but not alone. Some other guy was standing there and was , for some reason, wearing a bow tie ( Can you guess who it is ).

    " Alright Mary you win, here have you're stupid dress" I told her as I threw the dress at her.

    She picked it up and said," Thanks I've been meaning to get this from you, but this isn't the reason your here,"

    " Well if it isn't the dress, I guess you finally found out, I'm sorry for eating all of you secret stash of cake," I confessed to her," It was really good"

    " YOU WERE THE ONE WHO DID THAT," She screamed at me.

    " Ummm no?" I answered her.

   Mary gripped her forehead and took a few minutes to calm down before she replied.

   " So before I get into anymore trouble, what is this about." I asked her.

    " Nothing it's just this strange man, just like you was around. In fact I was talking to him in town a hour ago." She told me.

    " Thanks I will keep my eye out if I see him," I said.

   " Oh before you go, the next time I see you, you've better have cake," She said sternly.

    " Yes Ma'm" I saluted her before leaving through the doors.

Time Skip to the TARDIS

    I walked into my TARDIS and the first thing I notice is it smells off.

  " Hey baby, are you ok, you smell different." I asked my TARDIS concerned.

   She rumbled and a small letter came through the top. That explain it, she has trouble passing Mail through and it can be quite difficult for her.

    " Oh it's ok, let's see who it is and what they want." I cooed at her.

   Opening the box and inside was a time and date. Doing my little dance I hit the cornets in and the sound of the TARDIS went.

     Soon after I heard the thump and then the noise stop, opening the door to see it was Earth , 2016 in Britain. Meh Britain ok, but I prefer USA.

     The only odd thing that stick out was a TARDIS blue phone box. Wanting to investigate I walked over to phone booth and pulled the doors open.

     Inside a see a guy, a ginger girl, and a cute dorky guy wearing a bow tie. They also notice me and stared.

    " Ummm Doctor whose that and why did the TARDIS open the doors for her." The Guy asked pulling ginger girl closer to him.

    " Don't know but let's greet her before she freaks." The 'Doctor' said.

   He stalked over to me and said," Welcome to the TARDIS,"

    " This is weird," Is all I said,

    " I know this seems strange and all but might I asked why your here," He asked me.

   " Yea, I was in my ship and then I got a note saying to come to this date and time." I told him.

    " Ship, what do you mean Ship," The ginger asked.

    " My TARDIS, want to come and see," I asked ,

    " Sure," The Doctor said,

   Running out of the doors I raced into my TARDIS and opened the doors for them.

    " Welcome to my TARDIS " I said,

   " Well Doctor, it's way better that yours," The ginger said,

   Loking hurt by her comment The Doctor said," No way,"

   " I'm sorry to interrupt, but what's your guys names," I asked before it got serious.

   " Oh, I'm Amy," The Ginger said.

    " I'm Rory," The other dude said.

  " I'm the Doctor," The timelord said,

   " May I aske your name," Amy said,

   " Yes, I'm The Dreamer"


  Welcome to the first chapter, I know there is grammar mistakes and other problems, but please do I joy this new book I've started.

  Also please check out my other books and Become a shout out.

  I have no life, so I probably will respond and other things.

Love the Queen of Unicorns 😘🦄

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