50 shades of blue

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I am running through an alleyway somewhere in England. I pull myself to a screeching halt, and gaze around the city. This definitely isn't just any old day in Cardiff. 

I push my way through the throng of people, and see the most adorable aliens of all time. They're tiny, fat, and have really adorable faces. I hear someone yell that their called adipose, which is a cute name to match their cute appearances. There are thousands of them, and they are all floating up towards a large spaceship in a beam of light.

A middle aged woman accompanies them. But unlike the adipose, she gets about half way up and then plummets out of the sky. I hear a sickening splat as she hits the pavement below. I wander around the streets a little as the spaceship flies away.

Twenty minutes later, I am standing at a guardrail on the side of the road, gazing at the people of the world that I had known for so long. None of the passersby pay any mind to me, until a woman with red hair and bangs stops.

"Excuse me, but if a woman comes here looking for car keys, point her to that black bin over there" she says, pointing at a trash can on the side of the street.

I don't need to say a word to her to know that she is an associate of the doctor. The strange behavior, frantic speech, aura of excitement; it's all there. I wonder who she is and how they met. Wbat wouldn't  I give to be in her position right now.

I feel my prison calling me. I have just enough time to flee from the mobs of people before I leave. The rift yanks me back to the other dimension as sharply as it did the last time.

When I return, Mickey is there. He brings four words with him.

"The darkness is coming"

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