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I am drowning. Not by water or earth, but by sadness and heartache.

I sometimes think I hear the wheezing noise of a traveling Tardis, but it's all in my mind. I also have strange visions of him. All of the little signs of insanity are what are keeping me sane. Even with the memories of the doctor, the pain is still unbearable.

The last of the time lords, my one true love, and slightly-crazed alien. That's an average definition of the doctor, but he was more than that. He was a hero, a friend, and he had great hair. He also never gave up. He burnt out a star just to say goodbye. I never learned what he was trying to say.

I come to this beach everyday. Anyone who stumbles along the strench of cold sand I lay upon thinks I'm crazy. They call me hermit girl. Well I'm sorry if I'm not up to date on current events; I'm not from around here. Really.

If only they knew how I got here. Most of them don't know that there is so much more out there. They're all to consumed in eating chips to notice anything past their own noses. Not that this is relevant, but dogs on Barcelona don't have noses. I bet they see a lot more than anyone here. If only they had seen the things the bad wolf has seen.

I mean, they don't know that there are universes parrallel to ours. They don't know that somewhere, there was once another Rose Tyler, one that wasn't a dog.

But not anymore.

Now I'm trapped here.

I suppose their are a few small stars in this black hole of a universe. For example, my father is still alive, and I now work for the parrallel version of Torchwood. But none of these compare to the magical things I've seen and done.

I miss going everywhere. I miss the sweet things of the life I had come to know. All the new worlds, and the stolen kisses in the light of an exploding ball of plasma. All the creatures from our pasts, and the technological wonders of the future. I have seen a time when the last remaining human was just an evil flat pancake of skin. Even that was better than the monotone straight line of time in this universe. Stupid time crack.

Even the sour things during my time with the doctor seem great now. Back then, I thought being turned into a masked child zombie was the worst thing that could happen. But they all survived, and I didn't. 

Here I am nobody.

I never thought I would live to see the day; bad wolf is dead.

I wonder if my words are still there.

If they are, I hope he sees them and remembers me.

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