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I think I know how to get back to the real world. Since I conveniently work for the company with the most alien technology in the dimension, I know what to do and where to get the materials. I traveled with the doctor enough that I know the basic workings of the TARDIS.

I am going to become a human time machine. When I looked into the time vortex, I absorbed some of the energy. Then, all I'll need is somewhere to store the energy.

I even miss the weezing sound of the Tardis. A slow inhale and exhale of time, all compacted into a blue box owned by a madman. I have managed to make a decent facsimile of this pulsing of sound waves, however. I can replicate it by rubbing the key to the Tardis across the strings inside a piano.

My mother hates it when I do this. Then again, everything makes her crabby now that she's pregnant with my brother. Or maybe he's my half brother, but I'm not sure. Does this dimension's Pete Tyler count as my father?

I wonder if the doctor will come back for me. By now, he will have found a new companion. I hope she helps him to finish healing inside. I bet it's hard to see your whole planet die before your eyes as you push the button that dealt the blow.

I just hope he never forgets what we had. I don't need the history books or the worldwide fame, I just need him. My wibbly wobbly timey wimey, allonsy shouting, supernova exploding lord of time.

With him, it's different than with any other man. It all began in the basement of my work, when plastic turned on flesh. We traveled through gas mask zombies, evil bluetooth, and the world's grumpiest salt shakers. Not everything was all sunshine and rainbows, but at least it was real. Here, everything is like thin, fragile paper. He was brilliant until the last allon-sy. With him, it took a burnt out star in the middle of a freaking sentence to end our story. Our story had a front cover of the streets of London, a back cover of Bad Wolf Bay, and a spine of all the stars and livetimes inbetween. A full lovesong, even though he never told me his name.

Now I sit alone in the basement of Torchwood. Here, their are endless alien inventing materials. Using the rift teleporter leftover from the cybermen battle, I have ben making a device for seeing into the doctor's world. In theory it should show be his current companion.

I press the button.

At first, nothing happens, but then I feel the teleporter vibrating.

Oh no, this is definitely a viewing window into the....

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