"What's up your ass? I'm the one with the mood swings." Hanna said.

I smiled lightly, "nothing they'll fix it." I said and wrote on my clipboard about the new shipment.

"Where are our models?" I asked.

"In the back." She said.

I walked back and saw them.

"Hey guys what you think?" I asked as they were in some of my clothes.

"Alison we love them. they may be our fave yet."

I grinned, "thanks ariandra." I said and quinn came out with the accessories.

"alright! show me some sexy outfits!" charlotte barged through the doors and i chuckled, "hey little sis. how was school?" i asked as i observed the models.

"boring as hell. damn. these dresses are fine." she said, looking at them.

"wow hanna, you're fat." char said and hanna glared at her, "and you're a ginger. we both have punishments from god."

charlotte gasped and rubbed her hair.

"my hair is beautiful. and your punishment isn't from god. it's from the hanna growing inside of you."

"shit. our kid is gonna be fat." cece muttered and i threw my head back, cracking up.

"why is that huh?" hanna said, raising her eyebrow.

"well you know...you were fat in your young days."

hanna scoffed, "i was mildly overweight."

"oh please han, boy scouts could've camped under your belly." i said with an evil smirk.

"at least i wasn't a selfish, bitchy ass whore that got whatever she wanted." she shot back.

i felt anger boil inside of me and charlotte, quinn and cece clearly noticed.

"hanna..." charlotte said.

"i apologized. okay? you said you forgot all about it." i said angrily, crossing my arms over my chest.

"forgot? how could i? you only made my life a living hell and talked me into shoving fingers down my throat to help me get skinny."

"what?!" cece, quinn and charlotte exclaimed.

i scoffed, "well at least it worked. without me doing that you'd still be a low self-esteemed, fat-ass wannabe sitting on your couch with a jumbo bag of chips-"

"ALISON." cece and charlotte scolded.

hanna looked down and teared up.

i closed my eyes and sighed, "i'm sorry han. that was out of line..."

"you think? you know how i feel about you making fun of my weight alison." she said, sniffling.

i pulled her body into me and hugged her, "i'm sorry. really i am. it was wrong. i was heated." i said in a quiet, genuine voice.

"you know alison. you were there..." she croaked out. god i hit a bad spot.

that was the worst part about mine and hanna's relationship.

"i know i was. i am so sorry. i love you so much hanna. please forgive me. i didn't mean what i said. you're beautiful hanna, always have been. please forgive me." 

she pulled away and nodded, "it's okay...i forgive you."

i smiled softly and kissed her cheek.

"i love you."

"i love you too ali." she hugged me again and i smiled. hugging back right away.

wow that could've been bad.

victoria pov

"cameron i swear to god-AH!" i screeched as he threw whipped cream at me.

cameron, skylar, karma and i are all having a dessert fight.

i threw some back at him and he laughed and ran over to me, "AHH! CAM!" he lifted me up and put me on the counter, smiling and i leaned down, connecting our lips in a loving kiss.

we had sprinkles thrown at us and we laughed as we pulled away to see skylar and karma throwing sprinkles at us.

skylar pov

when we finally all settled down i had whipped cream on my lips and i put sprinkles on them, coating my lips in them.

karma looked at me and grinned, "look how cute you are." she said and giggled.

i smiled and she leaned forward, kissing my candy lips, licking the sprinkles and cream off.

"i love you." she whispered and i widened my eyes, "karm..."

she looked just as shocked as i was.

"sky i'm sorry...i um..."

i kissed her to shut her up.

she teared up as i pulled away and i picked up her chin, "i love you too." i said and she darted her eyes to me.

she smiled.


i nodded, "yes. really. i love you too karma. i think i have the second i met you in front of that school."

she smiled, "you don't know how much that meant. i love you so much skylar drake." she kissed me passionately and she lifted me up by my ass and i giggled as she carried me to the basement, away from victoria and cameron who were watching a movie.

alison pov

i walked out into the parking lot after the store closed.

i left last to work on some sketches and some stocks.

i heard someone's footsteps and i looked around.


nothing was there.

i sighed and looked into my bag and got my keys.

when i looked up i saw a face in the window, "sasha?" she smirked and threw my head against the car, making me grunt and black out.


uh oh.....

hehehehe. you didn't forget about sasha did you?

~stay fearless~

caleigh <13

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