Alex looked at her with the phone phone still to her ear. "Hold on." She told her. "Do you know where they could have taken him?" She asked.

"I think I know where they could have taken him. Just give me a moment. If you don't mind, you can come over here and we can head to get him when I find out. Okay?"

"Okay, I'll come. I'll bring Joy over, so that she won't be here alone."

Joy sucked her teeth. "Dang, I'm sixteen, I can stay here by myself." She whined. "Wait, where's daddy?"

"I'll talk to you in a little bit." Alex said to Derrick before they ended their call. She sat her cell phone down and looked at Joy. "Your day was arrested."

"Arrested?" Joy frowned. "Why?"

"Just let me deal with it, okay? Your uncle is gonna see where he is and we're gonna go over to his house. You're gonna stay with your aunt Angel and the kids I guess."

"Why can't I go?" Joy asked.

"Because, you're a child and you don't need to be at a police station or jailhouse. No ma'am. Besides, you have school in the morning anyway, so pack yourself some clothes, just in case."

"Why was daddy arrested?" Joy asked.

"Just let me deal with all of that. There has to be a mistake and I need to get to the bottom of it." She found herself pacing. "I don't you to worry about anything, sweetheart, okay?"

"Okay, I won't worry if you stop pacing." Joy said. "You're making me nervous."

"Go get some clothes." Alex said.

Within the next two hours, Alex received a call from Derrick saying that he knew where Drew was and she and Joy headed to his house. Leaving Joy with Angel and the kids, she and Derrick drove to the jailhouse to see Drew.

"Explain to me what happened again?" Derrick asked.

"I went over Trice's and we were talking." He explained. "Babe, all we did was talk." He said directly to her. "By the time I was done talking to her, Brent comes in and just starts talking smack. We got into it, he put my ass in a head lock and damn near broke my back and then I pulled my gun out on him." He explained.

"Gun?" She was shocked.

"How you gonna pull a weak move like that?" Derrick questioned.

"Apparently, he called the police on me and reported me." He frowned and positioned his upper body differently.

"What's wrong?" She asked. "Your back is hurting?"

"Yea, but I'll be fine." He answered. "I just need to get out of here."

"We're gonna get you out of here." She promised.

"They posted your bail and we're gonna pay it asap." He said. "But you will have court."

"yea, I don't need you in here. You need to be at home." Alex said.

"Alex, can you relax? I don't need you to relax. Don't worry, okay? I"ll be home soon, just relax for me."

"Relax? Babe, you're in jail! I can't relax while my husband is in jail!" Her hands were still jittery and her nerves were bad, as she fussed a little loud.

"Alex..." Derrick looked around, then looked at her.

"Sorry." She didn't realized how loud her voice had gotten.

"We're gonna get you out of here, alright." Derrick assured. "Just give us some time."

"I know. It's not like I'm going anywhere."

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