
                “That’s why it’s called sweetened milk, Don” Hades said from the other side of the room. He was looking through the pantry cabinets for any of the ingredients from the list Hera had given him.

                “Gee, I didn’t know that” Poseidon said sarcastically. “What are you looking for anyway.”

                “I don’t really know” Hades said “but apparently those that you guys are opening aren’t enough for the two so I have to look for more. Which I highly doubt there is anymore”

                “I’m bored!” Zeus groaned as he opened the last of the cans. “Can’t we do anything else?”

                “I really don’t know” Poseidon said playing with a spoon. It twisted and suddenly sprung. Poseidon didn’t notice that there was a tiny bit of milk on the spoon, which was catapulted into Zeus’ face.


                Zeus looked enraged “I’m going to get you for that!” the two gods ran around the room and eventually went out of the kitchen.

                Hades shook his head at his brothers. Debating on himself on whether or not to stop them, he eventually chose the latter. “Why would I even bother”

                The two teenagers had chased each other till they had reached the second floor. Poseidon ran and slid down the banister. Almost smacking right into Hera.

                “What are you two up to this time?” she demanded

                “Flying milk, spoon, Zeus, SAVE ME!!!” Poseidon said childishly hiding behind her. Zeus came thundering down from the second floor but shied away from Hera.

                “What happened?” Hera asked

                “Nothing really” Zeus said “Just REVENGE!!!”

                “Play a board game!” Poseidon said behind Hera

                “There’s a game of revenge?”

                “No idea”

                “Anyway,” Zeus said “Back to business!...REVENGE!!!” he started to chase him again. Hera grabbed Zeus from the back of his shirt.

                “None of that now” Hera said. “Come on lets finish that cake”

                The two gods groaned as they were practically hauled back into the kitchen.

                After dinner, the six siblings were seated in the family room with a huge TV. They were watching a horror movie, called Orphan. Every now and then one of the girls would gasp. Zeus had once or twice screamed. Then the girls were talking about the movie after.

                “I can’t believe that is how children are these days” Hera said “That was morbid.”

                “Has anyone seen Hades?” Demeter asked.

                Poseidon yawned. “He’s behind the couch sleeping.”

                “What is he doing behind the couch?”

                “I dragged him” Poseidon said plainly. “I’m going to wake him up”

                “Hayds” he said shaking Hades. “Come on wake up”

                Hades groaned but didn’t wake up. Poseidon removed his pillow. And he was still asleep.

                “How the heck am I supposed to…” then he just started to hit Hades with the pillow. “WAKE UP!!”

                Hades jumped and accidentally hit Poseidon at the face.

                “DUDE!” they both exclaimed in unison. Poseidon holding his nose.

                “Why did you have to wake me up like that” Hades demanded

                “Movie’s done” Poseidon said nasally. Holding his slightly bleeding nose. “Why did you have to hit me so hard?”

                “Oh.” Hades said then stood up. “Let’s go then I think it’s time to go to bed.”

                “If this is what happens in Christmas Eve, I wonder how bad it is in the mortal world” Poseidon said still holding his bleeding nose.

“Oh what fun” he said sarcastically.

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