Chapter 23: The first of three: A Sabor Horffin

Start from the beginning

Your sister was such a big help to me but as of now I do not need her so I came to dispose of her. I will send 3 monsters to come and kill her and if you somehow manage to keep her alive I will have the honor of killing her and all that you care about. Until then… -D,’  I read and I looked at Evianna but I still felt a loss of trust with her.

‘Justin takes her to the infirmary.’ Jake said.

‘There’s an infirmary here?’ I asked without thinking. Jake smiled and nodded his head. There was a rumble in the ground and we all froze. There was a screeching sound then a creature flew into view. It roared like a tiger but it was still too far away to see.

‘Holy sh-’ Jake started to say but was cut off by another screeching noise. Jake ran inside and Lucy spread out her wings.

‘Let’s get this show on the road shall we?’ she said and flew towards with me right behind her.

Nico’s POV    :D

I watched them both fly after her and I felt so completely useless. I’m not an angel and I don’t have wings so there’s nothing for me to do.

Jake came back huffing and held a book out to me; I took the book and on the page that was open was a picture of the creature we were up against.

‘A Saber Horffin from the Horetic species, Part Saber tooth tiger, horse and griffin. It has a head of a griffin but its bite damage as a saber tooth tiger. Its wings allow easy flight and it has the body of a horse and long muscular legs with claws that can rip it prey into shreds. Each Horetic has a special mental and physical ability which is normally the wings as a shield.’ I said out loud and looked back up. The girls were hit by the tail and were hit straight into the lake. The monster screeched again and went towards me.

‘It wants the book!’ Jake yelled as I ran through the trees. I focused my energy on sending the bird to hell like accidentally did with those skeleton warriors. (In the story of Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Titan's Curse)

It flew right over the hole I made and I yelled in frustration. I ducked just before it clawed my face and I tried running again. Every time I made a move it was like it knew where I was going. I pulled off my skeleton ring and it turned into my Stygian iron sword.

I raised my sword as if I were about to swing then I did something that surprised the creature. I turned and ran the other way. I was close enough to throw the book to Jake so I did and he caught it. I was knocked over and I felt its claws dig deep into my arms as it tried to bite my head. I fought the scream that was aching to come out but I knew that would do nothing.

‘IT’S WEAKNESS IS UNDER ITS WINGS!! YOU HAVE TO STAB IT!’ Jake yelled and the Horetic lunged towards Jake. Leah and Lucy pushed the creature out of the way before it got him then stopped.

How did I fall for Nico Di Angelo? (Editing on hold)Where stories live. Discover now