Tony - Reader x Steve

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You were Tony's girlfriend of 2 years. Your relationship was strong and unbreakable.

You were currently making your way to Tony's lab, only to see he isn't there. You furrow your brows, and your eyes land on Bruce.

"Bruce, have you seen Tony?" You asked. Bruce jumped and then fear flooded his face. "I-I thought you were supposed to come home later!" Bruce squeaks. "Boss let me come home early. Where's Tony?" You asked.

"Uh... He uh... Look how about you help me with uh..." Bruce began to stutter about crazy things. You knew he was hiding something. "Bruce... What are you hiding? You my friend, you can tell me." You said. He was silent.

You sighed and left. Bruce quickly started to follow you, trying to stop you. Then you heard it. Some weird squeaks in the room beside you. Then you heard a female moan Tony's name. You froze. Bruce knew you heard it. You turned invisible, and went into the room. Then you saw it. Tony was cheating on you. You felt to the floor with a thud, and it stopped their session.

Then Tony got up, and put his pants on quickly. He looked around the room, but couldn't find anything. You got up, and shown yourself. Tony saw you and froze. "Asshole." You mutter as you walked away. Bruce looked at you with sympathetic eyes, then it clicked. "You were covering for him!?" You yelled. You slapped Bruce's face and stormed off.

You had an emergency apartment nobody knew about, minus Steve, so you went there. You sat down on the floor, and began crying. You then curled into a ball on the floor, still crying.

Tony was currently sitting on the couch, wishing he didn't make that mistake. Steve went to the tower to see you. He was your closest friend. When you weren't there, he went to your apartment. But.. He wasn't there to see what you were planing.

At your apartment, you grabbed some random pills and water. You put the pills in your hand. You swallowed them all, and drank some water. You waited for a bit, but nothing happened. You grabbed another bottle and opened it, only to pass out.

When Steve arrived, he began to knock on your door. You never answered. Worry started to fill the super soldiers heart as he beat down the door. When he ran into the living room, he broke down crying. "No!" He screamed. He picked you up, your limp body in his arms.

He ran you to the hospital, and they took you. He sat in the waiting room, feeling sad and full of grief. That then snapped to rage. He stormed to Stark Tower. When he got there he went to find Tony, and saw him in the lounge watching TV.

He grabs Tony by his shirt and punches him. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" He yelled. You repeatedly punch him. He threw him onto the table. "SHE COULD DIE! YOU ASSHOLE! YOU KILLED HER! SHE COULD DIE TONIGHT!" Steve yelled, tears rimming his eyes.

He runs outside and goes back to the hospital. He walked to your room and sat down with you. You were currently unconscious. He knew he shouldn't but... He decided to look through your phone to call someone.

A MCR concert is about to begin, and Gerard ( AKA Sexy Man Meat) gets a call. He answers it. "Hello?" He said. "Hi um... Look, whoever you are, (Y/n) is in bad shape. She um... Its a life or death situation. She is in a hospital around Stark tower if you want to see her." Steve said, then hung up.

Gerard's mouth dropped and he almost cried. He wiped his eyes and went on stage, and put on an act. As the concert wrapped up Gerard decided to change things up. "So guy. This is a surprise to everyone, even the band. The concert has one more song. I need to sing this one because... Something happened to my bestest of friends... And as a shock to you guys... Its my sister. Yes, I have a sister. We're going to sing The Light Behind Your Eyes."

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