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2nd Person

You sat in a room. A blank, dark, empty room. Your orange eyes dying down to your normal (e/c) ones. Why are your eyes orange? Because Hydra experimented on you. They put fire, electricity, and strength in you. But that wasn't the part you were mad about. They took of your arm and replaced it with a metal one. They took away your memories. You can't remember anything even if you tried. "Hell Hound (Hell Hound is your hydra code name)!" Your eyes snapped up and was met with a Hydra agent. "What?" You snapped back. "You got a new cellmate." The agent said throwing a male body in the room. He slamed the door shut and you walked up to the mans body. You picked him up with ease and put him on the bed.

You scanned his face and saw his shoulder length brown hair. He was handsome to you but you snapped away those thoughts and drew your attention to his deep wound that's gushing blood. "If you wake up while I cauterize this you will beat the shit out of me." You mumbled. You brought fire to your finger and burn the wound so it would stop bleeding. Luckily he didn't wake. You began to stitch him up and once your done you bandage him you realize he is shirtless. You saw his abs and quickly averted your gaze and looked for a shirt. As you looked for a shirt you heard a groan of pain. "Dont move or it will hurt." You said. You then hear a louder groan if pain. You picked a shirt and walked over to the man to see him hunched over in a sitting position clutching his chest.

"Why does it feel like I'm on fire!?" He said gritting his teeth on agonizing pain. "Because I cauterized your scar and stitched it so you didn't bleed out." You said handing him the shirt. He glanced at you and put the shirt on. "Name?" You said. He was quiet. "Name?" You said sternly. "Winter Soldier." He said. "Tsk. That's not your name. I know your real name." You said with a smirk. He glared at you. His glare turned to your arm. "They took it off for no reason." You said. You sigh. He looks at you and give a look that says 'What is my name?' "I'm not sire what your real name is but I know that in the past you were referee to as Bucky." You said. He sat confused taking in the information. You went to your own bed and layed down. "Night." You said. Bucky only grunted in response as you turn out your lamp and fell asleep.

He fell asleep soon after but awoke when he saw a blue and orange light. He got up and saw your body glowing. One half blue for electricity, and the other half orange for fire. "Hey stop that." He said touching your left arm but got burnt. He tried to touch your right arm but got tazed. You jolted up and pinned him to the wall by his throat and you growled at him. "Don't touch me." You said as you pulled away. He was surprised that a small, petite girl like you could pin him to the wall. You layed back down in your bed and your eyes glowed a bright orange. He was staring at you and you glared at him. "I was tested on and got powers such as electricity, fire, and super strength of that's what you wondering." You said turning on your side and falling back asleep.

5 months later

You and Bucky grew close over the time being. You guys found out about yourselves in the time being but around Hydra soldiers you acted like mindless slaves. Right now you two were discussing how to escape. "If we are really lucky bastards they will try to electrocute me and it will only make me stronger." You said in a whisper so only Bucky could hear. You two had the perfect plan and its starts now. "GUARDS!" You yelled as Bucky quickly collapsed in the floor looking unconscious. The guards opened the door and glare at you. "Winter Soldier passed out." You said with an expressionless face. As they were about to pick Bucky up you electrocute the guards and they fall unconscious. Bucky quickly gets up and we take the guards uniforms and put them on. When you dress in them you both kept your head low and took a map of the base. You quickly walk away and then you hear familiar voices. "(Y/n)!? Bucky!?" You look at each other then Bucky begins to walk towards the voice. "Bucky no! What if its a trap!?" You said. He looks at you and nods. You continue your main plan and hear the voice again calling your names. Then as you were walking you saw a girl with red hair and a black suit. She sees you and smiles. "AGENT (L/N)!" She said running towards you. You step back and she stops. "Who are you?" You asked cautiously lighting your hand in flames. Bucky steps closer to you and glares at the red head. "Bucky!?" A male voice shouted. You both turned your heads to see a man with blue eyes and a red, white, and blue suit. "How do you know my name?" He said.

"Bucky I think that it...Steve." You said cocking your head to the side. "And (Y/n) its me Nat! Your best friend!" She said. You nod and you and Bucky cautiously follow them. Soon Hydra soldiers surrounded the four of you. "Give us the Winter Soldier and Hell Hound and nobody gets hurt." One said. "Yeah load of bullshit." You said throwing fire at a row of soldiers. "Prepare to fight." Steve said. "Bucky in case one of us dies I want you to know that I've liked you for a while now." You said. You grabbed his head and kissed him. He was shocked at first but kissed back passionately. Nat and Steve looked surprised by the action and made a chorus of 'ooh'. You both pulled away and stared lovingly into each others eyes until you snapped your fingers and all the soldiers fell down into ashes. "I just wanted an excuse to kiss you." You said smirking. You all walked away from the base you smiling with your head held high, and Bucky a blushing mess but looked intimidating but on the inside he was like a giddy school girl.

Extended ending

Its been 6 months since you escaped Hydra and you were living in Stark tower along with the Avengers, Loki, and Bucky. You and Bucky are now officially an item and are slowly regaining your memories. Bucky was currently at home while you were out on a mission with the team since you were an Avenger before the whole Hydra thing. He didn't like you around the guys, especially Tony and Clint. They always tried to be romantic around you and get in your pants. You on the other hand hated when Agent Hill would hit on him. He would always just be silent or wave her off, while you, on the other hand, would have to be silently restrained by Natasha from ripping her head off.

You and the Avengers came back from a mission and saw Bucky asleep on the couch. You smiled and crouched beside him. "Buucckkyy~" you said in a sing song voice. He slowly opened his eyes to see your (e/y) eyes and bruised body. He bolted up and checked you over while you chuckled at his behavior. "Bucky, sweetie, I'm fine." You said. He grunts in response as he keeps checking. Then Agent Hill comes in with clothing that is very inappropriate and not fit for her job. She was trying to show her cleavage. "Hey Bucky." She said trying to be seductive. "How about we go out for a coffee?" She said eye fucking, no scratch that, eye raping Bucky. "Are you'd serious!? I'm right here!" You yelled. She looks at you and rolls her eyes and you, because you have been around the newer Bucky longer, can tell he is uncomfortable.

"Then after coffee we can have some fun." She said. "OK I am about to fuck you up." You said. All of the Avengers, and surprisingly Loki, tried to hold you back, but Loki wasn't even trying because he wanted to see a fight go down. You pushed them all off easily since you had super human strength that is stronger than Steve's. Loki watched with amused eyes as yihw talked over to Agent Hill with electricity in your hand she ran off as Loki was laughing. You smiled to yourself and turned around. Everyone stared in horror at you. "I wasn't going to do anything. Just trying to scare her." You said. They sighed in relief and Bucky watched you with amused eyes. "Don't give me that look. Don't forget you put that one guy in a full body cast because he said ,'Hi' to me." You said. He blushed furiously scratching the back of his neck. "Wait did he really beat a guy up because he said hi fi you!?" Clint said. "The guy also said a pick up line." You said. "Not my fault that your mine." Bucky growled pulling you beside him by your waist. "Tony, Clint. Try to be romantic with her again and you will be the ones in a full body cast." Bucky said with a glare.

The two ran away and everyone else left you and Bucky alone. Bucky smiled and grabbed your chin softly. He leaned him and kissed you delicately like you were a fragile glass doll that if he was even the slightest more rough you would break. You kissed him back and when you pulled away you kissed his cheek as he nuzzled into your neck and whispered sweet nothings into your ear.

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